The space race

By kyla20
  • first satellite

    oct. 4 1957 was when nasa finnaly decied to send the first satellite up to orbit around the earth and only took 96.2 minutes
  • first animal in orbit

    laike the spacedog she went underwent training with two other dog and was eventually selected to be the occupant of the soviet spacecraft known as the sputnik 2.
  • first solar powerd satellite

    This was the first Solar Powerd satellite it was called the vanguard 1-n21 and it was probally about the 3rd or 4th satellite to oribite the earth.
  • lunna2

    lunna 2
  • lunna

  • spuntnic 5

    first animal to go inro space and come back down and make it alive
  • nasa

    Martiner 2 becomes the first spacecraft to fly by venus
  • moon landing

    first human to land on the moon
  • fly by

    first fly by by mars
  • fly by

    first fly by, by mercury