Featured space policy

The Space Race

  • Period: to

    The Space Race

  • Sputnik Launch!

    Sputnik Launch!
    October 4 - Sputnik gets launched into space, marking the beginnig of the Space Race.
  • The U.S. joins the race

    The U.S. joins the race
    Jan. 31 - Explorer 1, the first American satellite to reach orbit, is launched. It carried scientific equipment that lead to the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belt.
  • Luna 2

    Luna 2
    Sep. 12 - Luna 2 is launched. It impacts the Moon on September 13, becoming the first man-made object to do so.
  • First man in space!

    First man in space!
    Apr. 12 - Yuri Gagarin orbits the Earth once and becomes the first man in space.
  • Orbit!

    Feb. 20 - John Glenn orbits the Earth three times.
  • Gordon Cooper

    Gordon Cooper
    May 15 - Gordon Cooper spends 34 hours in space. He is the last American to fly in space alone.
  • First spacewalk!

    First spacewalk!
    Jun. 3 - Ed White performs America's first spacewalk. Jim McDivitt remains in the Gemini capsule.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    Feb. 3 - Luna 9 becomes the first spacecraft to soft-land on the Moon.
  • Gemeni Broadcast

    Gemeni Broadcast
    Dec. 21 - Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders begin the first manned journey from the Earth to the Moon. On Christmas Eve they take turns reading Genesis in a broadcast heard around the world.
  • Moonwalk

    Jul. 20 - Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin become the first men to walk on the Moon while crewmate Michael Collins orbits around the Moon alone.