Antisemitism 0

The Roots of Antisemitism

  • 1 CE

    AD 1 Jews Refused to Worship Gods

    Stubborn, Dangerous, Hostile
  • Antisemitism - Race Becomes the Distorted Lens

    Attacks began to increase against the Jews as the racists began to think respectably. During this time, attacks became more common and violent. This was due to the worldwide depression that was occurring during this time period.
  • The Noticed Jewish Population

    Throughout Europe, Jewish judges, politicians, and other Jewish people started to become noticed. During this time, in Germany the Germans began to influence Judaism. They did not like Jews and did not want them to be making laws.
  • The Rise of Hitler

    Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany, also known as the Prime Minister. Within weeks, he began to turn the democratic government into a fascist government.
  • Jews are Restricted by Hitler

    Hitler began to create laws that limited Jews from connecting with Christians. Therefore, it was a crime for them to make contact with each other and have citizenship.
  • Europe Gets Taken Over By Hitler

    Hitler began to search and take over countries within Europe. This caused the Jews to become targets by the people associating with Hitler. This is because they viewed the Jews one of their enemies.
  • Devastating Moments

    European Jews were either in death camps or already dead by this time. After that, Hitler then began to search for Hungarian Jews in order to take jurisdiction over them. During the Holocaust, the Jews were having the most dangerous time.
  • Shipment

    12,000 shipped out everyday.