The Rise of a New Government

  • The Fall of the US Government

    When the US government crashed due to corruption and selfishness, the country fell to chaos. Government officials who were not overtaken by corruption knew that the country could not be ran by unfit leaders, and they completely shut down any form of control and leadership. Many people were content without a government but there were still many who knew there needed to be some type of control.
  • Chaos of 2026

    Because there was no control, the entire country fell to chaos. Crime was at its highest and money was no longer looked at as valuable. Many local communities no longer could provide educational programs and medical assistance because it was previously funded by taxes regulated by the government. There were people however who helped out those in need even though they weren't necessarily being payed for it. Many hoped for a change that would come in the near future.
  • The Beginning of a Change

    Because many knew there needed to be leadership and control of the people, many came together and devised a plan to create a fair government that protects natural rights and liberties, handles currency, and makes and enforces laws without corruption and selfishness. But they couldn't just do this is one day, they needed to get the consent from the other citizens, and also explain their plan on how things will get done in a fair manner.
  • Creating a Plan

    They needed to find a way to make the government effective and get the consent of the rest of the county who opposed government. First, they needed to find out why the majority of the people opposed government. Next, they needed to present to those people their goal and how they would reach it. They began working on how they would be able to do this.
  • Asking Questions

    People from all over who wanted this change began holding a vote on why some did not want government at all and the results concluded that the majority of people who opposed of government feared being under the control of corruption. Now that the group understood, they wanted to show the people that they agreed and felt the same fears as them. However, they knew that they couldn't go on in chaos anymore, and there needed to be some type of government to protect and provide.
  • Consent of the Governed

    This new government wanted to follow the same foundation as the original US Constitution and Bill of Rights, without the corruption, greed, and selfishness. The people eventually all agreed that they could not live without government any longer, even though some still had fears. They knew that in order for there to be a change, they needed to try it out and see if it worked. Some of the original men who left the previous government of federal and local levels started this new government.