The Revolutionary Era

  • The Navigation Acts

    The Navigation Acts regulated trade between England and the 13 Colonies. This caused frictoin between England and the 13 colonies because it limited growth between trading and the 13 colonies.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act was an act that made people pay taxes for legal documents such as birth certificates, death certificates and so on. When the Stamp Act was passed, colonists thought that it wasn't fair that they had to get a stamp on any documents that they had to make legal.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War was a war that the French and Native Americans fought against the English over the Ohio River Valley. After England won the French and Indian War, Britain was in debt so they taxed the colonies a lot more to gain back the money.
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763 was a law that was made by the Native Americans. When the colonists started to migrate to the Ohio River Valley, the Native Americans got mad because they already lived there. The Native Americans drew an imaginary line along the Appalachain Mountains.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act was when people started to get taxed for sugary items such as molasses and tea.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act was an act that made settlers in the colonies let in any soldiers that needed a home into their house and the home owners also had to care for them. This lead to the boston massacre because it was when the settlers didn't want to obey the Quartering acts anymore.
  • Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts were acts that taxed people for glass, paper, lead, and mostly all of the goods that were imported from England.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was caused by the Quartering Acts. Since colonists had to let in soldiers that needed a home, home owners started to get tired of it. When some soldiers were walking down the street, people started to gather around them and protest, so for self protection, soldiers fired and people were killed.