The Revolution Begins

By jzman45
  • The Battle of Lexington

    Summary: This battle occured in Lexington. The British were marching to Concord and the Americans were standing next to the road watching them. The Americans were led by Captain John Parker. The British were led by General Gage. The British won and they kept marching toward Concord.
    Picture: The Americans firing at the British.
  • The Battle of Concord

    Summary- The British were walking away from Concord and the Americans fired at them from the woods next to the path. The Americans.
    Picture- Americans firing at the marching British.
  • Battle at Fort Ticonderoga

    Summary- The Americans wanted to take over Fort Ticonderoga. They wanted it for its artillery. The Americans were led by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold. They took over the fort and got the artillery. Picture- This is the battle plan to capture Fort Ticonderoga.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Summary- The British were alarmed by Americans in a fort on top of a hill, so they started marching up the hill. They were led by William Howe. The Americans, led by William Prescott and Joseph Warren, started firing at the British. The British took the fort, but lost over 1,000 men. Picture- The death of General Warren.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Summary- Benedict Arnold led the Americans to Quebec to try to capture it and convert them to patriots. The British defeated them. Picture- Canadian and British forces fighting against the Americans.
  • British Retreat from Boston

    Summary- The Americans threatened to bombard boston. This forced the British to retreat. They never came back to Boston. Picture- A cannon that the Americans would've had at Boston to threaten the British.