The Revelutionairy war

  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    the first ever documation that said all men are free and shall be treated equelly and that this is a free country that will not be rueled by another
  • John Handcock

    John Handcock
    he wrote his name the lardgest on the document so that king goerge the third could see it without his glasses that is why people say we need your john handcock
  • thomas jefferson

    thomas jefferson
    he wrote commen sence and most of the decleration of independence
  • general/ first president goearge washington

    general/ first president goearge washington
    he was a great general and leader and was in the revolutionary war and was the first ever president of the united states
  • fun fact

    fun fact
    out of 217,000 us troops that fought in the war and engaged there were only 4,443 death through the hole war which was 1775-1783
  • american soilgiers appeall

    american soilgiers appeall
    all american soilgiers had to buy there own uniform and weapon in warfair but every othere country that was invoved did not have to they were all equipet by there country.
  • fun fact

    as much as 20% of all the people in the colinies stayed loyal to the mother country and fought with red coats
  • the famas quaet of john handcock

    the famas quaet of john handcock
    the queat 'i will write my name so big on this document that king goeorge the third can read this with out his glassas on'
  • batttle of trenten

    batttle of trenten
    on december 25 2,400 americans invaded delaware and fought hessient and british and germans. americans won the battle with washington
  • fun fact

    fun fact
    george washington greatest battle was on december 25 when they rode into deleware to fight the brittish that was in 1776 which the war lasted till 1783
  • battle of saratoga

    battle of saratoga
    there were 2 battles here who were fought by the brittish and the americans which were both won by the americans the battles were fought in september and october of 1777
  • battle of princeton

    battle of princeton
    in princton new jeryse it was the americans and the british fighting in this battle the american came in with 7,000 and the british came in with 8,000 but the americans came with the victory
  • fun fact

    fun fact
    molly pitchure was in the field of battle as a neurse but when her husband had fallen while controlling the cannon out of rage she took controll of the cannon and shot at british in today's standers she would have been treated with grate respect for the rest of her life.
  • spain joins the war

    spain joins the war
    they joind because there allie france joined and spain wanted to help by joining also because both countries hatted brittish
  • fun fact

    fun fact
    the last very major battle that ended was the battle at yorktown but the treaty of paris which ended the war was not sighned and in effect till 2 years later.
  • articals of confedracy adoptied

    articals of confedracy adoptied
    on november 15th the document was adoppted but it was not it was not all sined by all the colinies untill march first 1781 they all had a weak government and this document helped but the real kicker was that they replaced the government document on march 4 1789
  • fun fact

    fun fact
    debra samson dug a mustket ball out of her hip with a spoon so a medic (which would have been a male) would not see here woman body parts after that she still fought till the last battle of the war.
  • fun fact

    fun fact
    king george the third knew he was not going to win the war so he let it ride to destroy most of the coastline but when he got the news they lost he was still furiess
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    this was the treaty that ended the war. on september 3 1783 it reconized the united states will be independent and brittien has no controll. it also controled alot of land that brittien supposedly own when they most defently did not
  • fun fact

    fun fact
    george washington after metting his future wife proposed three weeks later in 1784 just after the revolutinary war
  • bibliografie
    history text book