
The Religion of Daoism

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    What is Daoism?

    What is Daoism?
    Daoism is the beleif that harmony between humans and the universe (the Dao) exists. The Dao, according to it's believers, is the original source of the universe, the foundation of living things, and how we progress, in the terms of development and change. it was founded in 100 AD.
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    Who was the founder of Doaism?

    Who was the founder of Doaism?
    Doaisn was founded by a man named Laozi- also known as Lao Tzu, around third and fourth century B.C
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    Social Impacts of Daoism

    Chinese citizens were Daoist by nature, right up until Buddhism was introduced to them. Along with Buddhism came the religious zone of Tibet, and that changed Chinese culture and politics drastically.
    There are two types of Daoism: Tao Chia is more philosophical, and isn't thought to be a religion but just "a way life" philosophy. Tao Chiao is the less popular side, and it deals heavily with superstitions. Tao Chiao has been banned from China various times.