
The Rejection of Liberalism In Nazi Germany

  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles
    The Treaty Of Versailles was a peace treaty signed between Gemany and the allied powers which imposed heavy reparation payments, to hand over territory, and accept responcibility for the war. The Treaty of Varsailles imposed upon the Liberalist concept of economic freedom for many Germans, As a result of heafty reparation payments, As Germany had to pay the Reparations in hard currency the german government mass printed german Papiermark's which lovered its value, which accelerated inflation
  • Weimar Republic

    Weimar Republic
    The Weimar Repuclic was the federal and parlimentary republic representitive democracy which replaced the privious imperial form of government, pre WWII The rise of the Weimar Repiblic illistrates a step forward for Germany in terms of individual rights and freedoms, by having a constitution it garenteed people their rights, little did they know that even the constitution could not keep all safe from what was to come.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    The Beer Hall Putsch was hitlers first attempt of seizing power, By leading a large detachment of SA into a Beer Hall in Munich where von Kahr was dlivering a speech to 3000 people, Hitler fired a shot to get everyones attention, then informed them that he "The National Revolution has broken out" Many military units were mobilized and the revolution was quashed. Hitler was then arrested and thrown in jail.
    This act of an individual being accountable to the Rule Of law is very Liberal
  • Elections In Germany

    Elections In Germany
    From 1925-1927 the Nazi Party failed to capture any significant votes, only winning 2.6% after this failure the party needed to reconsider their stratagy. After the great depression President Hindenburg invoked the constitutions emergency powers and created a new government, the new chancellor was unable to unite the government as a result the nazi party won the majority.
    The new emergency system of government continued to allow liberal values such as letting people elect their representitives
  • Hitler Takes Power

    Hitler Takes Power
    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany, After the signing of the enabling act and Hitlers appointment to Chancellor by president Hindinberg, hitler used his newfound power to achieve his vision of a strong germany, with concepts drawn from Mein Kampf the book hitler write while in prison for high treason.
    Hitlers appointment as chancellor and the institution of the enableing act removes competition and self interest from the political scene in germany, which leads to very severe concequences.
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    The Enabling Act was a critical part of Hitlers tise to power, it was a constitutoinal amendment which granted Hitler (the Chancellor) the power to enact decrees without consulting or voting in the Reichstag. This accelerated Hitlers ability to enact anti jew legislation and further his cause. The fact that this act made Hitler (and his cabinet) all powerfull in Germany and allowed them to strip away peoples rights and freedoms, especially those of the grops which were scapegoated
  • Rhineland

    The Rhineland became the name for several areas in western Germany, along the lower and middle Rhine betweeen the dutch boarder and Bingen. As part of the treaty of Versallies, the land was demilitarized in 1919, but as an act of defiance Germany remilitarized the area three years before the outbreak of WWII.
    This Act of Defiance shows Germany's inability to co-operate with other countries and shows us that in terms of liberal principals in germany, self intetrst always comes first.
  • The Night of Long Knives

    The Night of Long Knives
    The Night of Long Knives was a series of killings planned by hitler in order to remove any opposition, both in his party as well as in the opposition, in addition leaders of the SA and the parliment's brown shirts. as few as 85 people were killed, as many as a couple hundred. and thousands of opponents were arrested. the attacks and arrests were conducted by the SS as well as the Gestopo (The Nazi Secret Police)
    These killings draw hitlers Nazi Germany even further away,by violating indiv rights
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    The Nuremberg Laws were antisematic laws introduced at the Nazi's annual Nuremberg Rally. The laws Aimed at Defining what constitutes a jew as far as heritage and also created destinctions such as cross breads and Germans of Kindred Blood. THe laws also banned Jewish Intercourse and Jews ability to particitate in German civic life.
    This blatent disregard for the individual rights and freedoms demonstrates germanys gradual slip away from liberal values.
  • Sudetenland

    Sudetenland refers to the northern, western, and southwest areas of Czechoslovakia where german speakers resided. The name comes from the Studetes Mountains within the area. Jews in this area around the time of Kristallnacht were widly proscauted and many were eventually captured and sent to concentration camps. Hitler proposed that residents of this area would claim German ethnic background however they rejected the referendum
    People in the area persued self interest by rejecting the referendum
  • Anschluss

    Anschluss is the german word for union, which is exacty what Nazi germany wanted when they occupied and annexed Austria into Nazi Germany. The Nazi party of Austria preformed a cope and transfered power over to Germany.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht was a series of attacks carried out against Jews throughout Germany. Civillians and SA paramilitary smashed windows of jewish shops synagogues and buildings, while the German authorities stook by and did nothing.
    This event shows how germany has abandoned rule of law and no longer respects the individual rights and freedoms of the Jewish Germans.
  • The Russo-German Non-Agression pact

    The Russo-German Non-Agression pact
    The The Russo-German Non-Agression pact was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia that established that Russia would not participate in WWII and that each party would not attack one another, which was encouraging for Germany because this way they wouldnt be waging a two front war. Germany suprisingly broke the pact less than two years after its signing.
    The Russo-German Non-Agression pact shows how German self interes Ruled in Nazi Germany and that liberal values still lingered.
  • Period: to


  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The Holocaust was the mass murder (genocide) of 6 million Jews and other Nazi undesireables during WWII, in a state sponsored systematic cleansing sponsored by the Nazi party. over 40,000 facilities were used to in germany and occupied territory to Concentrate, Hold, and kill Jews and other Enemys of the Nazi state.
    The holocaust seems to be the point where Germany has completly fled from Individual Rights, as well as sekf interst and rule of law, because not everyone was acocuntable to the law
  • Hitlers Death

    Hitlers Death
    Hitler commited suicide by gunshot as his military position was on the verge of collapse, and as a result he had only one way of escaping justice and that was to kill himself, as per his instructions the body of his wife (who drank poison) and his own body were to be taken out to the garden and burnt. This act goes to show that Nazi Germany was not a place where Rule of Law existed, hitler was never brought to justice and never had to accept responcibility for the millions of deaths he caused.
  • Nuremburg Trials

    Nuremburg Trials
    The Nuremburg Trials were a series of military tribunals (trials) hosted by the Allied forces if WWII, their purpose was to trial and convict, prominent members of economic, military, and political leadership of Nazi Germany who played a part in the tragady of the Holocaust. Hitler, Himmler, and Goebbels were not present as all three had commited suicide.
    These trials reinstated the rule of law within Germany, as those involved in the holocaust were being brought to justice.