The person who made chocolate.

  • Nov 1, 1500

    The history

    The history of chocolate is the cocoa beans. History of chocolate dates back to the early Mesoamerican civilzations. As early as 1500 BC, the Olmec Indians were growing cacao beans. The mayans and Aztecs also grew cacao and developed chocolate drinks.
  • Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus can claim the credit for being the first person to bring cocoa beans to Europe in the early 1500s, and chocolate drinks became popular in Spain. But it wasn't until nearly 100 years later that the flavor speard to other parts of Europe.
  • Chocolate Spreads Across Europe

    In 1657, a Frenchman opened the first chocolate house in London. The shop was called The Coffee Mill and Tobacco Roll, and due to the cost of the drink, chocolate was a beverage that could only be enjoyed by the upper class.
  • The Chocolate popularity

    The chocolate popularity continued to grow, however, and by 1674, it had become an ingrediet used in cakes and rolls
  • The spread and production of chocolate

    The spread and production of chocolate
    The spread and production of chocolate reached another milestone in 1732. When Monsieur Dubuisson of France invented a table mill that could grind chocolate.