• Johnny was knocked by Socs when he was 16

    Soda consoled Johnny. Darrel blamed Johnny did not carry on knife. This is the first point‘s summarize. The reason why this point it is important is that this point is the Outsides’ beginning of this novel and it will be the direct cause of struggle against between Greasers and Socs. This point mainly explains the reason why Johnny hated Socs. Johnny is the main character in this struggle.
  • Johnny was knocked by Scos when he was 16

    Greasers do not go out alone, because when they go out, they will be hijacked by Socs. When Johnny was 16 years old, Johnny with Pony boy went alone, but he was tracked by the Socs and when they got off from the car, Johnny was afraid and Socs utilized the knife threatened him and asked did not need a haircut, then Johnny was knocked seriously, finally their brother Darrel came and Soda came too to saved them from the Socs, and the Socs run away.
  • Period: to

    The Outsiders

  • Ponyboy had a bad night

    When Cherry chatted with Pony boy, suddenly Cherry and Marcia’s boyfriends drove the Mustang to find them, they were hidden to be afraid of finding stay with Greasers, and then Cherry let Pony boy talk her about his old brother. Finally that car found them and we quarreled with their boyfriends, then they left. Johnny felt bad and Pony boy felt bad too. It was because they were looked forward to the life without gang. At night Pony boy got to home too late so that he was abused by Darrel.
  • Ponyboy had a bad night

    Pony boy was angry and run to the LOT, he saw Johnny and said that they should run away but Johnny said that he should be quiet and took a walk in the park. This is important reason is the Greasers had a litter scared the Socs, they very hated the Socs. At the time of the society, different people had themselves level, all dislike.
  • Ponyboy had a bad night

    Although Johnny killed Bob, he just wants to defense. That is an accident, Johnny just a kid, he also can't understand something about law. He was so scared and wants to escape. In this society, the level is greater than all, in each person's opinion, the poor child are bad, but the rich child is good. Most people unwillingness to believe that Johnny was self-defense, they were automatic positioning from the social. This things is a small climax, since the Bob's died, the theme becomes magical.
  • The difference between Scos and Greasers.

    They all agreed that they saw the same sunset. From this point, the reason why i think this point is important it is that this point mainly talked about the difference between Greasers and Socs. Reflected different ways of life and different thought from the two groups, it is the novel’s theme, that is a major turning point. After this point, the novel will be the climax. It is increased that the story‘s atmosphere and promote the development of the plot.
  • The difference between Scos and Greasers.

    When they finished watching the film, Pony boy and Johnny sent Cherry and Marcia to their home. They talked about the difference between Socs and Greasers; Cherry said Greasers and Socs had different sense of worth. Greasers are more emotionality and Socs are sophisticated. Pony boy said that it was the reason why we always got into trouble, which was not because of money, it was mainly about emotion. Cherry talked a lot with Pony boy, and they also talked about the sunset.
  • Johnny killed Bob due to Self-defence

    We arrived the park, there is very empty inside, and then that both Mustang drove up, they wants to trick us. There are Bob, Randy and three Socs, they started to scolded us ,a Socs put my head to ice water, I am almost drowned, when we looked up, Johnny was killed Bob, Johnny was not intend to kill him, just self-defense, we both want to escape, avoid the police. The important reason is Johnny and Bob belong to different group, the two groups stand for different levels at that society.
  • Johnny and Bob run to the Jay Mountain

    We find Dally, only he can help us do the that, so we find him, he give us the money and gun, and he give me a thick jacket, he said we are going to a cold place, he let us sit trucks to go to Winderixville, then went to Jay Mountain’s church. Then we sat on the trucks, then I Pillowed J’s legs asleep, we got off the tracks and ask how to go to the Jay Mountains, and then we are going the Mountain, and I sleep on the ground.
  • Johnny and Bob run to the Jay Mountain

    This things summarized they killed Bob, they didn't know what should they do, they found their friends to help them. Johnny and Pony escaped the mountain lead to the church things, we can know about they never understand the lows since this things. Maybe because they live in the surroundings lead to they are didn't believe the police, so, when they killed Bob, it is only thought they should run. About their escape, the writer used the many details to describe.
  • Johnny and Ponyboy had a changed

    One day Pony boy was woke up in afternoon, he did not find Johnny, but Johnny went to buy some food and a book named Gone With The Wind, when Johnny came back, he wanted to let Pony boy have a haircut and finally he agreed to cut his hair and did that, and then we depended on reading the book and play the cards to spend the time. One day Pony boy and Johnny woke up early to see the sunset, they all felt the scene was beautiful, but “Nothing gold can stay”.
  • Johnny and Ponyboy had a changed

    She wants to help Greasers, because she know the two groups contradiction, she didn't want Johnny into the jail.
  • Johnny and Ponyboy had a changed

    The fifth day Dally came to see them and told them a lot of things and the important thing were Greasers and Socs would have a fight in LOT, and Cherry became a spy in Greasers. In whole book, the wind was appeals to many time, this wind book have special signification for Johnny and Pony boy. The wind stand for their hopeless, they wish a happiness life. The Cherry aspired didn't lost anyone, although the Bob is a Socs, he still is a good people, the Cherry's boyfriend.
  • Cherry wanted to help Johnny

    Cherry thought that all the troubles were form her and she also wanted to prove for Johnny at the court. Johnny wanted to surrender himself to the law, but Dally did not want him to go to the prison to have a bad life.
  • Johnny, Ponyboy and Dally saved the children from the fire church.

    The church was fired, Johnny was injured and maybe will be died, all these things let the theme more excite, same time, and it increased the atmosphere, too. This part is more important things in the book, Johnny saved the kids whom didn't known, but the publish thought he just wants to atone his crime. Nobody to care about his action and his life. Everyone's born place is not to be choose, the environment couldn’t be changed, but they always goodness.
  • Johnny, Ponyboy and Dally saved the children from the fire church.

    When they had already gotten to the car, the church was on fired Johnny and Pony boy had a look, but Dally wanted to stop them to look that. Then they saved several children from the church, but Johnny got hurt seriously. When they woke up, they found they were in the ambulance. Jerry said that were hero, but we told her that we were Greasers. And then Dally came and Pony boy looked at Darry and Soda, Darry apologize to me and finally went back to home.
  • Johnny, Ponyboy and Dally saved the children from the fire church.

    Johnny's hurt lead to the war beginning between the Greasers and Socs, he is a key in the two group struggling. His behavior efforts this duel, not only two groups, but also the two levels.
  • Johnny,Pony and Dally were burned and they were praised by them.

    Now we all sit on the room to wait for Dally and Johnny, and then the police and the reporters were come to ask us some questions. Doctors told Pony boy Dally did not get hurt seriously, but Johnny was in danger. The second day morning, 2-bit and Steve came to Johnny’s home and told Johnny that they were found in the newspaper, and then Steve told him that court may be send Johnny to the orphanage, I disagreed with him.
  • Randy went to Ponyboy's home and talked with him about the Bob

    Pony boy thought these fighting Greasers could not win and he wanted to left there.
  • Randy went to Ponyboy's home and talked with him about the Bob

    That night Pony boy had a nightmare. Then Randy came to Johnny’s home and told him something. Pony boy still believed that if Randy were in the same circumstance, he would be saved the children too. He said he would not take part in Greasers and Scos’ fighting tonight. He hated the gang’s fighting, no matter which gang was won, and it would not have any advantages. Randy said that Bob was a good man and because he was so perfect that nobody blamed him.
  • Because Johnny got hurt seriously ,Dally decided to revenge for him and beat the Socs

    Nurse did not let them to see Johnny, because his condition was very dangerous, 2-bit and they went to see Johnny. Johnny was in danger and Pony boy was afraid that he wouldn't mind it so much if there wasn't so much stuff he isn’t done yet and so many things he isn’t seen. Johnny's mother wanted to see him but he confused. Dally told that he was very happy Pony boy was still alive and Dally wanted to have a fight with Socs for Johnny.
  • Because Johnny got hurt seriously ,Dally decided to revenge for him and beat the Socs

    This things is important because of Johnny will be died result to save child, but he didn't get anything. He wants to live, he wants to do more value things, but his life will be ended, he didn't opportunity to change. His mother is very selfish, her son only have a little time in this world, however, she didn't care and still very rude.
  • Greasers and Socs had a fight.

    Ponyboy was eating dinner at home, they talked about why Pony boy's two brothers liked fighting and then they went to the LOT to fight with Socs. Greasers were come with 20 people. Socs had 22 people. They talked about the rules and then they were fighting finally Greasers won the fight and make them run away. They went to the hospital to look at the Johnny and told him that Greasers won the fight. But Johnny said Pony boy should stay gold and then he was died.
  • Greasers and Socs had a fight.

    This thing is climax in whole book, the contradictions before this thing, all have been attributed to this duel, everything should be ended between this two groups. The Greasers person less than the Scos, but they still won, because they need won. Not only in order to the sick Johnny, but also in order to their rights, they need protected it.
  • Johnny died and Dally died.

    Johnny was died; Pony boy was so sad that he lost his mind. He still told himself Johnny was alive because he could not face the truth. Dally could not accept the truth either. So he stole the things and the police tried catching him. When Dally went to the LOT, he was shooting by policeman's gun. This things let everyone was known something, Johnny died, that is a truth and can't be changed for anyone.
  • Johnny died and Dally died.

    Although the Greasers won the war, take back to their place, all things are not significant, Johnny didn't come back. Johnny still a key in whole book, his died made everyone had changed, Johnny didn't believe this truth, Dally lost his important friend in his life. I think Johnny died and the war ended has a little relation. More like the God give Johnny a task, he finished, and then, he should be gone. At the same time, Dally used an extremely way to follow his best friend.
  • Randy went to Ponyboy's home and talked about the Bob

    Pony boy slept for more than one week because of Johnny's died. Pony boy started to think about Bob. And then Randy looked for me and told me that he would go to the court with Greasers to talk about the Bob's died. Pony boy still said that he killed the Bob not Johnny. And he also said Johnny was not died and Randy reminded the Johnny that made Pony boy felt excited and then Randy was gone. This thing important reason is Pony boy can't accept this news about Johnny.
  • Randy went to Ponyboy's home and talked about the Bob

    Randy's spoken; it is product different opinion about Bob. On the one hand, the two groups are enemy; lived in different environment, belong to different level. But, on the other hand, they both are teenager; they both have hair, leg, face, etc. They are so same, but also different, they both are not fault, that is the society spurred the points. They are spoken moderate the relationship between two organizations,let them get to know each other.
  • Ponyboy and Randy went to the court and they got win

    They went to the court, judge asked them the circumstance about the Bob's died and he also asked Pony boy, finally judge announced that Pony boy was under criminal. Pony boy hoped he could be good liked before but he always got trouble at the school and he could not get good grade in English this class, and then his teacher worried about Pony boy's score. Except himself, other students left him and scared him.
  • Ponyboy found the letter from the Wind and that letter inspired him

    This is whole book's end, the last things about the character, Pony boy’s future. Johnny's died affect him every-time. When he had read Johnny's letter, he is beginning understand something. Johnny didn't wants to look at his situation like this, he wants to Pony boy can lead a wonderful life, make his life become more signification and learn how to use a value life.
  • Ponyboy found the letter from the Wind and that letter inspired him

    After the dinner, he was worried about his essay and he argued with Darrel, then he found the letter in the Gone With The Wind this book, the letter said that he was proud of the things that he did, he thought it is worth to do it. And then he decided to write the essay about the Greasers, finally Pony boy began like this: When he stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, he had only two things on his mind: Paul Newman and a ride home......
  • Ponyboy found the letter from the Wind and that letter inspired him

    The last sentence echo the beginning, the whole book more coherent, stick out the theme of the article, a blur with pass, but still let the reader thinking.