The Odyssey

  • Odysseus goes to the Land of the Cyclops

    Odysseus goes to the Land of the Cyclops
    Odysseus and his men encounter the son of poseidon. The son of Poseidon is a cyclops named Polyphemus.
  • Odyssus escapes the land of the cyclops

    Odyssus escapes the land of the cyclops
    Odyssus gets the Cyclops drunk and when he falls asleep, odysseus then blinds the cyclops by stabbing him in the eye with a sharpended staff that he put in a fire.
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    The Odyssey

  • Ismarus

    Odysseus and his men go to Ismarus and ransack the city of the Ciones. The Ciones kill 6 of Odysseus men
  • Lotus

    Odysseus and his men go to the island of the Lotus eaters. Odyssus and his men tried to the Lotus flower and they wanted to stay on the island and not continue on their adventure home.
  • Aeolus and odysseus

    Aeolus and odysseus
    Aeolus gives odyssus a sack of winds. When the sack of winds is opened it drives Odysseus and his men further away from their destination
  • Circe

    The animals around Circes residence are non agressive because they are Eurylochus men that got turned into animals. Circe figures out who Odysseus is because he is unaffected when Circe tries to turn him into a pig. While on his visit with Circe, Elpanor falls off a roof while drunk and dies. Circe tells Odyssues to go to the Underworld.
  • The Underworld

    The Underworld
    Odysseus goes to the underworld. In order to talk to the people there, he has to sacrifice an animal. Odysseus sees Elpenor. Elpenor asks Odysseus for a propor burial. Odysseus sees his mother who tells him that she died grieving for him. Odyssus cannot embrace her because she is a ghost. Achillies asks if his son has been a successfull warrior.
  • Book 12

    Book 12
    Odysseus and his men encounter scylla. Scylla kills 6 of his men because it has six heads. Odysseus and his men avoid the song of the Sirens because his men cover their ears with beeswax and Odysseus is tied to the mast of the ship. Zues wants Odysseus killed and sends a lightning bolt at his ship.