The Nation Breaking Apart Timeline

  • Compromise of 1850

    Henry Clay created the Missouri Compromise which stated Northern California would be admitted as a free state and slave trade would be abolished in Washington D.C . To please the South, it stated that they would not pass laws regarding slavery for the rest of the territories , won from Mexico and Congress would pass a secure law to help slave owners recapture runaway slaves.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    A bill that Stephen A. Douglas drafted to organize territorial governments by dividing Kansas and Nebraska into 2 territories . The bill was passed by popular sovereignty .
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Proslavery people from Missouri came to Kansas and voted in the election illegally. As a result, the southerners boycotted the government. Then, a proslavery mob attacked Kansas , and destroyed the offices of the antislavery government .
  • Caning of Sumner

    Senator , Charles Sumner delivered a speech attacking the proslavery forces in the South. Then , Preston Brooks attacked Sumner to defend the South and Butler. He attacked Sumner by hitting him with a cane on his head repeatedly.
  • Dredd Scott V. Sandford

    A supreme court in which a slave , Dredd Scott , sued for his freedom because he had been taken to live in territories where slavery was illegal ; the court ruled against Scott.
  • Attack on Harpers Ferry

    John Brown and 18 followers captured the Harper's Ferry arsenal. Then the U.S marines sentenced Brown to hang and killed 6 of his men.
  • Election of 1860 and Secession

    In the Northern Election, the candidates were Lincoln and Douglas . On the other hand , in the South , the candidates were Breckinridge and Bell . Then , Lincoln won the election because of the greater population in the North. As a result, the Southerners threatened to secede from the union because Lincoln won as president , and at last they did.