The Moonstone: Gabriel Betteredge.

  • The Day of the Theft.

    Betteredge encounters three Indians and an English boy in front of the house the party is being held at.
  • 3:00PM The Day of the Theft.

    Together, Betteredge and Franklin decide that the moonstone should be given to Rachel for her birthday.
  • The Visit

    A foreign gentleman visits Betteredge at Verinder house for what he believes is because of business regarding a woman or debt.
  • London

    Betteredge and Cuff hear of Lady Verinder and Miss Clack's arrangements to meet up in London.
  • The Meeting.

    Jennings meets with Betteredge and Franklin. Franklin reports that Mr. Bruff is suspicious of Jennings and is not interested in the suggested experiment nor the use of opium.
  • The Obsession.

    Betteredge shows Jennings a passage in Robinson Crusoe. This passage not only shows Betteredge's doubts in the experiment but also shows Betteredge's life philosophy.
  • The Experiment.

    Franklin, Jennings, and Betteredge attempt to recreate the night of the theft by preparing the scene and with the aid of opium.
  • The Wedding

    Betteredge reports to Cuff that Rachel and Franklin married on Tuesday, October, 9th.
  • Interrogation

    Franklin Blake requests that Betteredge narrates the events that occurred the night the moonstone was stolen,