
The Middle Ages - Expansion of Kingdoms

  • 824 BCE

    Kingdom of Pamplona

    Kingdom of Pamplona
    It was loyal to to Córdoba and formed before the Kingdom of Navarra.
  • 732 BCE

    Battle of Poitiers

    Battle of Poitiers
    It happened when the Visigoths crossed the Pyrenees.
  • Jan 31, 711

    End of Visigothic Kingdom

    End of Visigothic Kingdom
    The muslims arrived to the Iberian Peninsula to fight with Rodrigo.
  • Jan 31, 711

    Battle of Guadalete

    Battle of Guadalete
    The Berbers fight with Rodrigo in Cádiz.
  • Jan 31, 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Battle of Covadonga
    Battle in which Pelayo defeat the Muslims
  • Jan 31, 723

    Kingdom of Asturias

    Kingdom of Asturias
    Governed by Alfonso I (739-757) and Alfonso III (866-910)
  • Jan 31, 1065

    Kingdom of Castilla

    Kingdom of Castilla
    Added to the dominions of Sancho III
  • Jan 31, 1177

    Different kings of Castilla

    Alfonso VIII
    Alfonso IX
    Fernando III
    Alfonso X
    Alfonso XI
  • Jan 31, 1305

    Crown of Aragón

    Expanded in three areas:
    South of France
    The Peninsula
    The Mediterranean