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The Life of George

  • George in Elementary School: Industry vs. Inferiority

    George in Elementary School: Industry vs. Inferiority
    George(8) enjoys going to school and getting good grades. The main conflict for Industry vs. Inferiority is between acquiring knowledge and adjusting to a new social structure and failing and feeling inadequate.
  • George and Vivian: Intamacy vs. Isolation

    George and Vivian: Intamacy vs. Isolation
    George(24) is in a loving, committed relationship to Vivian(20). They have been together for a few years and are already starting to plan for their future. The main conflict for intimacy vs. isolation is finding a long term relationship or ending up by yourself and struggling to make love connections.
  • George and Vivian have Children: Generativity vs. Stagnation

    George and Vivian have Children: Generativity vs. Stagnation
    George(36) and Vivian(32) have three children together. George teaches his children about morals and being good, well-rounded people. The main challenge in generativity vs. stagnation is teaching and caring for the youth and becoming self-centered and not caring for others.