The Liberation of Concentration Camps

  • Jewish doctors are barred

    Jewish doctors are barred
    Jewish doctors barred Jewish doctors are barred from practicing medicine in German public institutions and could not be admitted in medicine schools and many other professions. Jewish families are denied child allowances.
  • Jewish names

    Jewish names
    Jewish namesIn Germany the Reich Minister of the Interior decrees that, all Jewish men that are not using names recognizable as Jewish names have to adopt the middle name “Israel”. The same happens to all the Jewish women, who are supposed to use the middle name “sarah”.
  • The emigration of the jewish

    The emigration of the jewish
    Emigration of jewsIn his capacity as Adolf Hitler's second in command as Führer of the German Reich and People, Hermann Göring authorizes Security Police and SD chief Reinhard Heydrich to coordinate solutions for the forced emigration of Jews from the Greater German Reich and to establish a Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Berlin.
  • France invaded by German troops.

    France invaded by German troops.
    France is invadedFrance was invaded by German troops and divided in two: part of it was controlled by Germany and Italy and the other part remained under the control of a collaborationist French government based in Vichy. There were less than 4000 jews in Luxemburg when the Germans invaded.
  • Anti-Jewish riots in Romania

    Anti-Jewish riots in Romania
    Anti jewish riotsAnti-Jewish riots in Romania, hundreds of Jews butchered. Synagogues, stores and private apartments were burned, during that time a lot of jews were arrested in the streets and synagogues and others were tortured. The building of the Federation of the Union of Jewish Communities was invaded by a group of 24 legionaries.
  • Jewish people were deported to the Lodz ghetto

    Jewish people were deported to the Lodz ghetto
    Deportations More than 330 Jewish people were deported to the Lodz ghetto in occupied Poland and then to the Chelmno killing center. Another part of them was deported to Theresienstadt and Auschwitz concentration camps. At least 1,200 Jews from Luxembourg perished during the holocaust. One of these trains, with 512 Jews, came from Luxembourg. Five trains, with 5,000 Jews in all, came from Vienna, a similar number from Prague, and 4,187, in four trains, from Berlin.
  • Death March

    Death March
    2 link brandyThrough last couple of months the nazi forced the jews and prisoners in the cold to walk towards the middle of germany so they can hide the evidence of the prisoners. They made them run through the cold winter in the snow anyone who stopped got shot and slow people in the back got shot. If someone fell running would get trampled. later on one troop found abandoned place and all the jews were compacted together some died of suffocation.
  • SS General Reinhard Heydrich

    SS General Reinhard Heydrich
    SS generalCzech Agents who had trained in Great Britain parachuted into German-occupied Czech territory to assassinate SS General Reinhard Heydrich in Prague. Reinhard Heydrich was one of Hitler's most ruthless Nazis and second in importance only to Heinrich Himmler in the Nazi SS organization and the principal planner of the Final Solution. There was even talk of his one day succeeding Adolf Hitler.
  • Burning the evdience

    Burning the evdience
    link 4 brandyThe Nazi were ordered to clean everything out and burn everything so their was no evidence of mass murder. thousands stay behind as soviets came to rescue them. They burned gas chambers and the crematoriums.
  • Anne Frank

    Anne Frank
    The security police received an anonymous call telling where Anne Frank’s was hiding. Her diary was left and lost on the atic’s floor, but it was recovered by Miep Gies, a Dutch woman who had helped the Franks. Anne and her family were taken to Westerbork transit camp.
  • LIberation Of Auschwitz

    LIberation Of Auschwitz
    Auschwitz was the largest death camp in poland, Germany. when soviets came all that was left to notice was big piles of dead corpses. They liberated 7,000 people who were left their. October 1944, they forced jewish prisoners to carry dead bodies for gas chambers and other such places but some fought back and attacks their guard with whatever they had. Auschwitz started in 1940s.
  • What they found after liberation personal belongings

    What they found after liberation personal belongings
    They had founded cases full of hair, suit case clothes and personal belongings soviet troops were so angered by what they have seen and forced neighbors who live by to go and see for themselves and killed some SS men who surrendered.
  • The survivours

    The survivours
    After the liberation people still died. Due to the conditions and diseases. Another thing was being they were no nutrition. The survivors Had no family or homes to return to some no country to return too neither a job to support themselves. Some having to go to therapy to get relief from the the drama.
  • After The LIberation

    After The LIberation
    link 5 brandyfirst link brandy invade concentration camps only to find dead people and personal belongings everywhere some troops entering on buildings being burned down and skinny slaves with disease some prisoners hardly able to walk after years of torture. Troops finding the conditions and millions of murders. The nazis told camp directors to set fire to the crematoriums but that didn’t stop the gas chambers from still standing.Soviet troops come in with bunch of their guns and troops and
  • Major camps being liberated

    Major camps being liberated
    link 3 brandyThere were twenty-four major camps liberated. The first major one was Auschwitz. Located in poland, Germany. One of the biggest camps of mass murder. All these camps ended in 1945. some camps were bombed and invaded by the soviets, others were found empty with dead bodies.