
The Inter-War Period

  • Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

    Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty signed by UK, USA, Germany, Italy, Japan and France as an attempt to end World War 1. While the treaty was successful, many countries were left unsatisfied by the conditions and Germany was drained of resources by it, so it ultimately led to World War 2.
  • The First Council Meeting of the League of Nations

    The First Council Meeting of the League of Nations
    This was the first official council meeting of the League of Nations. The aim of creating the League of Nations was to create worldwide peace, and World War 1 was known as 'the war to end all wars', but it didn't live up to that title.
  • American women given the right to vote

    American women given the right to vote
    After so long of fighting and protesting; all American women were given the right to vote. While still being a huge milestone, the fight is far from over and this was just the beginning. Voting was a large step, but so many things were still not so much in favour of women, another major thing being jobs, in which women were often not taken seriously. Even if this event didn't make a huge difference, it was the social implications that came along with it that made the fight worth the while.
  • The first General Assembly of the League of Nations

    The first General Assembly of the League of Nations
  • Edith Cowan became the first woman elected to parliament

    Edith Cowan became the first woman elected to parliament
    It was in 1920 when women were finally allowed into Parliament, so Edith Cowan took the most of this opportunity. She ironically won against the man who allowed her to right to her role, and used her position to fight for womens' rights and sex education in schools. She made an impact on Australian history being the first woman in Australian Parliament, and being here in WA.
  • Germany suffers extreme Inflation

    Germany suffers extreme Inflation
    After World War 1, Germany was blamed for the damage done and made to pay for the reparations. This caused Germany's economy to crash, and to make up for it they created more money. But making more money caused mass inflation in Germany, where 7,400 Marks was equal to 1 American dollar by December 1922. It kept getting worse and worse, and by November 1923 the American dollar was worth 4,210,500,000,000 German marks. It was cheaper to burn money to keep warm instead of buying wood.
  • Benito Mussolini Rises to Power with the Fascist Party in Italy

    Benito Mussolini Rises to Power with the Fascist Party in Italy
    Benito Mussolini was a politician, journalist and leader of Italy's Facist Party. He became Prime Minister in 1922 until 1943, and in 1925 he legally set Italy up as a dictorship. During World War II Mussolini joined up with Germany as he believed Germany to be the more powerful country. After Italy's defeat by the Allies, Mussolini was arrested and hhis position of power taken away.
  • End of Russian Civil War- Communists Assume Full Control

    End of Russian Civil War- Communists Assume Full Control
    The Red Army (Communists) completely secured power in 1923. More than 15,000,000 died, and industry had virtually come to a grinding halt. Starvation and disease were rampant, and the country was essentially in ruins. The new Soviet government implemented communist policies through military force as a significant portion of the population was leery of socialism.
  • Death of Lenin, Rise of Stalin in the Soviet Union

    Death of Lenin, Rise of Stalin in the Soviet Union
    Joseph Stalin becomes the new Head of State, rising from position as leader of the Communist Party under Lenin. Stalin would enact policies that would lead to millions of deaths, including confiscation of grain in Ukraine and Turkish portions of USSR.
  • Stock Market Crashes

    Stock Market Crashes
    The stock market crash also known as 'Black Tuesday' or 'Wall Street Crash' was the biggest and most devastating crash of the stock markets, which led to the Great Depression for the next 10 years. It was possibly caused by resources being drained up the the partiers of the Roaring 20s and the stress on farmers, or an overhaul of immigrants, but the effects were devastating.
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

    After a huge crash in stock markets, the economy was wrecked, jobs were rationed and at a low point, the unemployment rate went down to 25%. recovery began in 1933 and it slowly built back up.
  • John Maynard Keynes suggest new Economic Theory

    John Maynard Keynes suggest new Economic Theory
    Keynes' Economic Theory helped give the world a better understanding about the Great Depression and the economy. Keynes stated that if Investment exceeds Saving, there will be inflation. If Saving exceeds Investment there will be a recession. One implication of this is that, in the midst of an economic depression, the correct course of action should be to encourage spending and discourage saving.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected as President of the United States

    Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected as President of the United States
    Franklin D. Roosevelt became the 32nd President of the United States of America, who lead his country through the Great Depression and World War II. Sadly, he never got to see his country's triumph at the end of World War II as he died on the 12th of April, 1945, one month before the end of World War II.
  • Hitler Rises to Head of State in Germany

    Hitler Rises to Head of State in Germany
    As head of the popular Nazi Party, Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany, sharing powers with President Hindenburg.
  • Hitler Gains Tighter Control of Power

    Hitler Gains Tighter Control of Power
    With the death of Hindenburg, the army finally accepted Hitler’s leadership. Decentralised institutions were disbanded, and everything was controlled centrally. The economy began to improve, so people tolerated the curbing of civil liberties. The SS and Gestapo took thousands of political prisoners, including those not conforming to accepted profile of Nazi government, such as Jews, homosexuals and the disabled.
  • British-German Naval Agreement

    British-German Naval Agreement
    As it becomes clear that Germany is on the rise again, the UK agrees to increase the allowed limit regulating the size of the German navy, as dictated by the peace agreement ending WWI. Essentially, the UK appeased Germany, knowing it was in no position to enforce any limitations.
  • Nazi-Italian Treaty

    Nazi-Italian Treaty
    Treaty of friendship between Germany and Italy, laying the groundwork for the formation of the Axis Powers (which would also include Japan) a few years later, preceding WWII.
  • Germans declare the Treaty of Versailles invalid

    Germans declare the Treaty of Versailles invalid
    Germany found the effects of the treaty unfair, and taking a huge toll on them, which lead to resentment building up. Because of the treaty Germany was drained of wealth and resources, and rendered defenceless by being allowed an army of only 100,00 men. When Hitler rose to power he secretly built up his army and this broke the treaty.
  • Kristallnacht

    a ‘public’ display of anger towards the Jews and their poisoning of their motherland and blood. Jewish homes and shops were ransacked, 100 Jews were murdered and more than 30,000 were taken away to concentration camps.
  • The Nazi's sign a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union

    The Nazi's sign a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union
    the two nations agree to spheres of influence in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Poland. Poland was divided between Germany and Russia.
  • Great Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Great Britain and France declare war on Germany
    Great Britain and France declare war on Germany due to the non-aggression pact made by the Nazi's and Soviet Union