The inter war period

By Ace3009
  • Treaty of Versailles is signed

    This treaty was signed by Germany after WW1 which forced many restrictions and limits on the nation which upset the German people and helped Hitler gain favor.
  • The Weimar Republic is established in Germany

    It was the name of the Government in place from 1919 to 1933, until it was replaced by Hitlers Government.
  • Period: to

    The inter war period

    Ranging from 1919 to 1939, this covers the major events that lead to the outbreak of WW2.
  • The League of Nation is created

    This was the precursor to the UN, although it was weakened by the lack of major powers and was eventually disbanded.
  • French occupation of the Ruhr

    As Germany couldn't pay its reparation payments, France sent troops to occupy the Ruhr as it was industrialized. this upset the Germans greatly.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Hitler and his party decided to try and overthrow the Government and while they failed and were jailed, it made them more popular.
  • The Dawes Plan is created

    A plan where the USA would loan Germany money to help it pay reparations, which eventually failed because of the great depression which only worsed Germany's money situation.
  • Benito Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy

    He became the first fascist dictator. His takeover was a model for Hitler in the future.
  • The Locarno Treaties are signed

    These were treaties that were supposed to improve relations between Germany and other countries and help Germany recover, while all it really did was let Hitler continue his plan without interruption.
  • The Kellogg-Briand Pact is signed

    This was an agreement between nations not to use war to settle disputes and was signed by most countries involved in WW1
  • Beginning of the Great Depression

    The stock market crash happened to result in unemployment and the like. this resulted in the Great Depression.
  • Japan invaded Manchuria

    Japan was in a bad spot and needed more resources, both industrial and monetary, so they decided to invade Manchuria. The league of nations also failed badly here.
  • Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler was appointed to Chancellor to stabilize the people in Germany. Hitler then turned Germany into a fascist dictatorship with himself as dictator.
  • Italy invaded Ethiopia

    Italy decided to invade Ethiopia to expand the empire along with gaining resources. This too, shows how the Leauge of nations failed.
  • Germany reoccupied the Rhineland

    The Rhineland was an area Germany was not allowed to enter, however, they marched troops in and once again the league of nations failed to stop them.
  • Creation of the Rome-Berlin Axis

    Germany and Italy signed an agreement to support each other. This was because they had similar goals. They would later be known as the axis powers
  • Creation of the Anti-Comintern Pact

    This was an agreement between Germany and Japan to fight against communist countries. This pact was later changed to include Italy.
  • Germany’s anschluss with Austria

    Hitler believed Germany and Austria should be united and as such he moved into Austria to occupy the country. Austria provided almost no resistance.
  • Signing of the Munich Agreement

    This agreement was made where Hitler could have a pice of Czechoslovakian land under the condition that he would not annex more land. He did.
  • Germany occupied Czechoslovakia

    Germany invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia in violation of the Munich agreement. Britain, however, did not respond.
  • Creation of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    This was made so Hitler wouldn't have to worry about fighting Russia. The pact was broken when Hitler invaded Russia in 1941.
  • Germany invaded Poland

    This was the opening act of WW2. Hitler marched troops into Poland and split it with Russia.
  • Britain goes to war with Germany

    Britain had realized that there was no going back from this point and declared war on Germany. After this, WW2 had officially started.