T h i c c   d u c c

The Inter-War Period (1918-1939)

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    The End of WW1

  • World War I Comes to an End

    World War I Comes to an End
    After many years of suffering and battling, Germany finally signed an agreement for peace and a promise to not fight. The Leaders of Germany told the army to stop fighting, their enemy's had become far to powerful and they no longer had the resources or army to continue to battle.
  • The Peace Treaty is Signed

    The Peace Treaty is Signed
    After the events of WWI, France, America and Great Britain wanted to make sure that Germany would not be able to re-enter a war after the end of the war they had just battled. So the peace treaty called The Treaty of Versailles was signed and put into action. This cut Germany's army into ridiculously small army and made Germany pay for almost all of the expenses from WWI.
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    The Treaty of Versailles

  • America's Economy Drastically Increases

    The period of time after the First World War, known as the Roaring 20's, is a time in which America's economy had a major boost and resulted in most people that lived in the country, moving into cities, rather than living in farms.
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    The 'Roaring Twenties'

  • The Wall Street Crash

    The Great Depression caused the economic market of America to drop like a rock. This resulted in most workers losing their jobs and being unable to steadily support their families. Things were even worse for African-American minorities, since they were the first to be fired and already had to deal with segregation from Whites.
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    The Great Depression

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