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The Industrial Revolution

By Joal C.
  • The Land Enclosure Movement

    The Land Enclosure Movement
    By the 1700's, the British Parliament facilitated enclosures through legislation because they wanted to create larger fields that could be cultivated more efficiently. The enduring impact of this event is that the land enclosure movement lead to the migration of people from urban areas to the city in search of jobs who eventually tended to the machines of the Industrial Revolution.
  • Abraham Darby's experimentation

    Abraham Darby's experimentation
    The enduring impact of this event is that Darby's experiments led to him producing less expensive and better quality iron, that was used to produce steam engine parts. His experiments led to Abraham Darby III (who improved off of the original Abraham Darby's experiments) to build the world's first iron bridge, in 1779. Over the next few decades, high quality iron was being used more and more widely, especially since the world had already focused and turned to building railroads.