the hunger games

  • the peaping

    •The narrator wakes up in a cold bed, and we learn that today is the day of the reaping. What is the reaping, you ask? In a daring act of suspense-building, the narrator decides not to tell us.
    •In the meantime we're introduced to the other people asleep in the bedroom. There's Primrose (or Prim for short), the narratorThe reaping is an annual event that takes place in every district before each Hunger Game• an we learn that today is the day of the reaping.
  • train ride to the capitol

    train ride to the capitol
    the train ride to the capitol, the two tributes from district 12 get to know thier mentor a lttle more. Haymitch Abernathy advises hem to follow wharever thier stylist says.
  • the Pivate Audience With The Game Makers

    June 31, 2052 that was when the had Pivate Audience With The Makers of the Game
  • Debut Of The Tributes

    Debut Of The Tributes
    Katniss and Peeta made their own debut on june 30,2052
  • The Hunger Game Begin

    The Hunger Game Begin
    On 1 August ,1252 that is whenThe hunger game being.
  • Day Two

    On the day two that Katniss went to find water.
  • the Day Three

    On the day three is when The gamer maker set a all of fire.