The History of the South Republic

  • Period: to

    Formation of the South Republic

  • A Fledgling Government

    Aftet three and a half years of viscous fighting among various militias and cartels, a central government arises in Argentina
  • Back To Beginnings

    The fragile central government once again shatters into thet hands of a former cartel
  • Unity

    Control over the country is taken by a militia group known as the Crimson Jaguar, led by a man named Pablo Escondito
  • The Southern Crusade

    The Crimson Jaguar embarks on an ambitous campaign to take control of the rest of South America
  • Final Aquisition

    The final piece of South America is conquered by the Crimson Jaguar
  • A Groundbreaking Meeting

    The "Counsel of Elders" takes place in Buenos Aires.  This meeting is held to determine how the newly aquired land should be governed
  • United By One Document

    All segments of the South Republic ratify the Papers of Management that were proposed after the "Counsel of Elders"
  • The Christmas Election

    Pablo Escondito and Miguel Ramirez are elected to be the first consuls of the South Republic