The History of the Mirabal Sisters and Trujillo's Dictatorship

  • Birth of Rafael Trujillo

    Birth of Rafael Trujillo
    Rafael Trujillo was born in Dominican Republic on October 24, 1891.
  • World Event

    World Event
    The country Sicily has a huge earthquake that kills ten thousand people
  • World Event

    World Event
    The ship called the Titanic sinks into the Alantic Ocean thousands were killed that day
  • Marriage and Family

    Marriage and Family
    Trujillo got married to his first wife, Aminta Ledes. She gave birth to two daughters
  • First Job Promotion

    First Job Promotion
    Near the end of 1917 Trujillo show his leaderships when he was promoted from a wighter position of a sugar platation to a private policeman
  • Military Career

    Military Career
    U.S. Marines was occupying the Dominican Republic offered Trujillo training as a officer he accepted. After training he then rose up through the ranks at 1924 second-in-command then in June 1925 he was commander-in-cheif.
  • World Event

    World Event
    In the United States the stock market crashes leading the country into the Great Depression.
  • Trujillo's Elected President

    Trujillo's Elected President
    Trujillo proclaimed himself as a election candiate for president. He won by landslide because he had all the opposing candiate's supporters be totured or killed. He did this by using the secret police
  • Trujillo's Dictatorship

    Trujillo's Dictatorship
    During Trujillo first term a devasting hurricane hit the Santo Domingo. Trujillo used this as an excuse to make martial law. This gave him the power to seize banks from his opposion and make emergency taxes
  • The massacre of Hitian immirgants

    The massacre of Hitian immirgants
    It was known to people that Trujillo didn't like Hitian immirants and treated their civil rights with disregard. He hated so much that massacre them
  • Trujillo's dictatorship

    Trujillo's dictatorship
    In 1938 when he was elected and offcially held office and he then chose a puppet sucessor for a while.
  • Minvera goes to School

    Minvera goes to School
    Minvera's father reluctantly lets Minvera go away to a Catholic school with her sisters.
  • World Event

    World Event
    Britain, Italy, Germany partition Czechoslovakia France sign the Munich Pact.
  • Dede's Generous Father

    Dede's Generous Father
    Dede remembers how generous her father was to the neighbors. He gave things from his store to those in need.
  • Minverva's Perfomance

    Minverva's Perfomance
    At a play that Minerva as playing on Independence Day when Minerva's friend, Sinta tried to shoot Trujillo with a bow and arrow. Sinta failed after Ramfis, Trujillo's son stop her.
  • Patria's Loss of faith

    Patria's Loss of faith
    Patria as a young girl was very religious and many thought she would serve God. That change when she got pregrant with boyfriend's child and left from being a nun and to be a wife to Pedrito.
  • Maria Theresa's book

    Maria Theresa's book
    Maria writes in her book on how she lied to her principal about Minreva sneaking out.
  • Maria Theresa's Book

    Maria Theresa's Book
    On this date she writes about how she meet a girl named Hilda and she then writes that Hilda is a rude girl.
  • World Event

    World Event
    The country the Philippines gains independence from the United States.
  • Patria's Loss

    Patria's Loss
    Patria had a miscarriage while she was delivering and she started to lose faith with God.
  • Dede meets Lio

    Dede meets Lio
    Dede meets Lio who is a teacher of medicine and Dede is attached to him, but Minvera starts to get more close to Lio.
  • Meeting with Lio secretly

    Meeting with Lio secretly
    When Dede and Minvera are back at their home their mother saw Lio in the newpaper protesting against the government. They are not allow to see him, so they meet secretly
  • Minerva's Father's secret

    Minerva's Father's secret
    When Minvera saw four girls with her dad's eyes and finds out that her dad has another family.
  • Trujillo Finds out About Minerva's Dream

    Trujillo Finds out About Minerva's Dream
    When invited to a party and Minerva dances with Trujillo and tells him that she wants be a lawyer. She also accidentially tells him that she knows Lio.
  • The falling effects of Trujillo's dictatorship

    The falling effects of Trujillo's dictatorship
    Trujillo rule was coming to a end with of the army not supporting him, the pressure to relax rule, and the CIA was trying to get him removed for power.
  • Enrique Mirabal

    Enrique Mirabal
    Maria Theresa's father, Enrique Mirabal dies and she see him a coffin in a dream
  • Maria Theresa Graduates

    Maria Theresa Graduates
    Maria Theresa graduates for and then goes to University of Snato Domingo.
  • Cuba Freed

    Cuba Freed
    Fidel Castro frees Cuba. The sisters celebrate the victory.
  • Religious Retreat

    Religious Retreat
    Patria plans a retreat religious retreat on the last day of the retreat they get bombed. Patria witnesses the massacre of Dominicans fighting Trujillo
  • Dede has Marriage Troubles

    Dede has Marriage Troubles
    Dede want to join her sisters, but is torn becasue her husband didn't want to get involved in the resistance.
  • Dede Loses Courage

    Dede Loses Courage
    Dede decides she is going to leave Jamito to join her sisters. But, when she comes home from seeing the priest for advice, Jaimito is gone with her 3 sons. She finds them and they reconile.
  • Spies

    Patria and her family discover that spies have been around their house. Her mother replaces the flower with thorn bushes to keep them away
  • Patria Lives with Grief

    Patria Lives with Grief
    Patria has so much as her husband's dies and her sister Minerva have been arrested.
  • The end of Trujillo Dictatorhship and death

    The end of Trujillo Dictatorhship and death
    Trujillo then resumed his rule from 1942 to 1952. That was until 1952 Trujillo's dictatorhship was brought down by force. He then died on May 30, 1961
  • Dede's Interview

    Dede's Interview
    A woman requests an interview with Dede about the Mirabal sisters.