The History of the Minnesota Government

  • Minnesota classifies as a territory.

  • First Minnesota territorial meeting takes place.

  • Congress makes an announcement authorizing a government for Minnesota.

  • Congress approves the Minnesota constitution and announces that Minnesota is the 32nd state to join the union.

  • Minnesota voters ratify the constitutional amendment giving African Americans the right to vote.

  • The Minnesota legislature meets in the new Capitol building for the first time.

  • Minnesota voters ratify a constitutional amendment lowering the voting age from 21 to 18.

  • The Democratic-Farmer-Labor party gained control of the Legislature, this is the first time since 1859 that the Democratic-Farmer-Labor party has majority in both houses.

  • Dee Long is elected to be the first woman speaker of the Minnesota House.

  • Minnesota voters elect Amy Klobuchar to be the first woman in the senate from Minnesota and Keith Ellison to be Minnesota's first black congressman and the first Muslim congressman.