The History Of Technology In Education

  • 30,000 BCE

    Cave Drawings

    Cave Drawings
  • Period: 30,000 BCE to

    The History Of Technology In Education

  • 2700 BCE


    early form of technology used to aid learners in maths
  • 1800 BCE


    teachers are able to share information with the whole class
  • 1500 BCE


    textbooks became available after the printing press in 1500s, advantages: learners were able to have the information at hand Disadvantage: were expensive for each child in the classroom so learners had to go to the library to use them, however this could also be seen as an advantage as it would make them more active in their education
  • 510 BCE

    Pythagoras Academy

    Pythagoras Academy
    Pythagoras Academy was the first school to open. It was founded by the philosopher Pythagoras
  • 105 BCE


    paper created in China by Tsai Lun. Advantages: it can be used for almost everything in education e.g. literacy, maths.
  • Public Education

    Public Education
    public education was introduced meaning all children could go to school
  • Educational Radio

    Educational Radio
    Advantages: can access anywhere
    Disadvantages: cannot go back and re-listen to information, may not have radio signal to access the information
  • Overhead Projector

    Overhead Projector
    was introduced into classrooms in 1940, allowed the whole class to see what the teacher was teaching on a larger scale
  • Educational TV

    Educational TV
    Advantage: visual & audible stimulus
    Disadvantage:not interactive
  • Filmstrips

    projected still images
  • The Computer

    The Computer
    Advantages: computer assisted instructions, provided education to any adult or child, enthusiasm/motivation.
    Disadvantages: lack of technical support,not intergrated in everyday learning, only accessible via labs or computer suites
  • Interactive Whiteboard

    Interactive Whiteboard
    first SMART BOARD interactive whiteboard was introduced into classrooms, making lessons more interactive and enjoyable for children
  • Interactive Age

    Interactive Age
    from the year 2000 onward it is known as the interactive age as technology has become more interactive for the learners in the classroom for example they now have devices such as Laptops and ipads that both teacher and learner can use