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The History of Online Video Streaming

  • First Film to be Streamed

    First Film to be Streamed
    On May 22, 1993, "Wax or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees" became the first film to be streamed on the internet. The New York Times declared this a historic event. https://vimeo.com/52697599
  • First Live Streamed Sports Event

    First Live Streamed Sports Event
    ESPN SportsZone streamed a live radio broadcast of a baseball game between the Seattle Mariners and the New York Yankees to thousands of its subscribers worldwide. This was made possible by the cutting-edge technology developed by a Seattle-based startup company named RealNetworks. This event was also the first livestreaming sporting event.
  • First Internet Streamed Sports Series

    First Internet Streamed Sports Series
    World Superstars of Wrestling, Inc. partnered with software maker VDO and Webstar (ISP), to broadcast one of the first video-based websites. Shot on location in Tampa Bay, Florida, they produced six one-hour episodes. During these episodes, Sir Oliver Humperdink, did an interview segment with various wrestling personalities such as Dan "The Beast" Severn, Danny Spivey, and others.
  • YouTube first Streamed Video

    YouTube first Streamed Video
    YouTube opens for video uploads. The first YouTube video uploaded is titled Me at the zoo. Between March and July 2006, YouTube grows from 30 to 100 million views of videos per day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQXAC9IVRw&vl=en
  • Crunhyroll was Founded

    Crunhyroll was Founded
    Crunchyroll, an American website and international online community focused on video streaming is founded. This company mainly produced East Asian media including anime, manga, drama, music, electronic entertainment, and auto racing content. https://www.crunchyroll.com
  • Hulu Lanches

    Hulu Lanches
    On March 22, 2007, NBC Universal and News Corporation announced the creation of Hulu, with a $100 million investment. A private version of the service was launched on October 29, 2007. Hulu launched for public access in the United States on March 12, 2008.