
The History of Nepal

  • Privthi Narayan Shah

    Privthi Narayan Shah
    Ruler of Gurkha, Privthi Narayan Shah, conquers and rules Kathmandu which lays the foundation for a united kingdom
  • Chinese-Nepal War

    Chinese-Nepal War
    Nepal's progress as a country is halted by their loss to China in Tibet, but the sino-nepalize treaty of 1792 brought peace between the Chinese and Nepalians
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    Anglo-Nepalese War

    The border dispute between Nepal and British India finally came to head in the Anglo-Nepalise war which occured from 1814 to 1816 whcih brought many Gurkhas under British influence. the Gurkhas sent many missions to China expecting help but none was sent and the war ended in the Treaty of Saguali
  • The Treaty of Saguali

    The Treaty of Saguali
    This was an agreement between the Gurkhan chiefs of Nepal and British Indian government that ended The Anglo-Nepal war and established the current lands of Nepal. The lowlands of Nepal and everything west of the Kali River was given back to Nepal
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    The Rana Dynasty

    In 1846, The Ranas forced they contrtol on people by forcing out the Shah dynasty during the Kot massacre, and cut off any contact with the outside world. In 1923 a treaty is made with Britain to confirm Nepal's sovereignty, but by 1950 anti-Ranas forces in India were making alliances with monarchy, and a year later their rule was over. The anti-Ranas members helped form a government
  • 1955

    In 1955 Nepal made a big step by joining the United Nations and King Tribhuwan died, leaving King Mehendra to assume the throne
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    King Mehandra's Rule

    Nepal's finally adopts multi-party constitution, but a year later King Mahendra suspends parliament but the NCP(Nepali Congress Party) with B.P. Koraila as premier wins elections
  • Political Referundum

    Political Referundum
    In 1980 the king allows direct voting for members of the national assembly
  • Trade Dispute with India

    Trade Dispute with India
    Trade tensions and transit differences with India result in border block by Delhsi which ultimately hurt and worsened Nepal's economy
  • New Democratic Constitution

    New Democratic Constitution
    KIng Birendra is forced to accept the people's demand and a new democratic constitution is formed when street protest occured and many were arrested and supressed
  • First Democratic Election

    First Democratic Election
    the Nepali congress party won their first democratic election which resulted in the election of Girjia Prasad Koirala as the first prime minister
  • Period: to

    Communism in Nepal

    But soon Koirala was and his new government were defeated in a no-confidence motion and communism was adopted but dropped a year later in 1995
  • Maoist Revolution

    Maoist Revolution
    the Maoist revolution is started which is a bloody war which is waged on for almost ten years which results in the killing of thousands, and th rebels were fighting for the monarchy to be abolished
  • Killing Spree

    Killing Spree
    On June 1st, 2001 Prince Diprendra in a drunken raid killed hsi whole family which were King Birendra, Queen Aishwayra and other close relatives and Prince Gyanendra was crowned king
  • King Gyanendra

    King Gyanendra
    The king assumes direct control and dismisses parliament while declaring a state of emergency feeling the need to defeat the maoist rebels
  • End of Maoist Revolution

    End of Maoist Revolution
    King Gyanendra deides to restore parliament because of violent uprsises and mutiny of the direct royal rule followed by a three month maoist ceasefire and eventually a peace treaty was formed bewtween the maoists and the king called The CPA or Compreghensive Peace Agreement