
The History of Mobile Phones

  • Wireless Telephones on Military Trains

    Wireless Telephones on Military Trains
    The development of mobile / wireless telephony began in 1918. The wireless telephony was tested on military trains between Berlin and Zossen.
  • Telephone connection on Public trains

    Telephone connection on Public trains
    In 1924, the development continued with telephone connection on public trains between Berlin and Hamburg.
  • Mobile phones for automobiles

    Mobile phones for automobiles
    Mobile phones for automobiles became availible for some telephone companies.
  • First Hand held phone

    First Hand held phone
    Motorola was the first company to produce a handheld mobile phone.
  • The Pager

    The Pager
  • First truly handheld phone

    First truly handheld phone
    Motorola kept on developing. This was their first truly portable and handheld phone.
  • First handheld digital mobile device

    First handheld digital mobile device
    Again, Motorola shows development and comes up with the first handheld digital device.
  • First clamshell / display on phone

    First clamshell / display on phone
    Motorola again shows constant development. They make the first ever clamshell phone, and also one of the first mbile phones with a display on.
  • Many new developments, and Brands

    Many new developments, and Brands
    From 1996 and onwards, there has been a constant development and changing design etc in mobile phones throughout the world. I beilieve most of us recognise many of the phones produces from this stage on.
  • Iphone´s

    In 2007, Apple came in and took the lead ... they created the first Iphone. After this - they have aproximately released a new iphone every year. Always with the newest and best software availible.