the history of collin christian

  • it stared with a bet.

    in the 1800s a guy named edward mibreads sead " hey i bet that horses have four feet off the ground when there runing." so one of his friends sead i'll take you on hat bet. and the end resealt is him wining 25,000 dollars,
  • peephole kinetoscope

    made by tom edsion.
  • the first peep show.

    back then this was a movie theater ownley alode one person per-machine.
  • the lamere bros crated the projeter to make movies.

    the show was called cinematographe.
  • "the first movie"

    the first movie was a train comeing a the screen.
  • vaudeville is born.

    vaudeville is baseitcly a bunch of skits put together.
  • vaudeville turns in to nickelodeons

    soon after this change it became a tv chanel.
  • the great train robbery

    this movie was made by edin porter.
  • by this time the nickelodeons where geting big.

    there where siting over 26,000,000 people each week.
  • the MPPC is made.

    mutapule cumpanese went together to form the MPPC.
  • filming starts in haly wood.

    light and seenery.
  • batman the dark knight rise

    the best movie,with christian bail.