The History Of Computers

  • The Analytical Machine

    The Analytical Machine
    The analytical machine was the design of a mechanical general-purposed computer designed by Charles Babbage in 1937.

    ENIAC was the first electronic general-purposed computer. It stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer. It was made in 1947.

    UNIVAC, made in 1951,is a line of electronic digital stored-program computers invented by John Presper Eckert.
  • High-Level Programming Language

    High-Level Programming Language
    High-level programming language, brought up in 1954, is a programming language with strong abstraction from the details of the computers.
  • UNIX

    UNIX operating system, developed in 1969, is a computer operating system that controls different parts of the computer.
  • PC

    PC, which stands for personal computer, was developed in the early 1970s by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.
  • CRAY-1

    CRAY-1. Is a super-computer that was designed, developed, and marketed by CRAY research made in 1976.
  • Apple

    Apple, made in 1976, is an American multinational cooperation headquartered in California that designs, develops, and sells electronics.
  • First Electronic Spreadsheet

    First Electronic Spreadsheet
    The first electronic spreadsheet was called Visicalc. It was made in 1979 by Dan Brinklin.
  • Macintosh

    Macintosh was a line of personal computers designed and developed, and marketed by Apple that was made in January 1984.
  • Holes in Cards

    Holes in Cards
    Holes in cards, invented in the mid 1980s, is a flexible card that holds data.
  • Windows

    Windows is a personal computers operating system founded by Bill Gates. It was available in August of 1993.
  • von Neumann architecture

    von Neumann architecture
    von Neumann architecture is a design model for a stored-program digital computer. It was made in 1994.