The HIstory Of Broadcasting

  • K.F Braun

    K.F. Braun invents the cathode-ray tube.
  • The beginning of broadcasting

    One of the first signals of significant power that carried voice and music was accomplished in 1906 by Reginald Fessenden
  • The Radio Act

    assigns three- and four-letter codes to radio stations and limits broadcasting to the 360m wavelength, which jams signals.
  • KDKA

    a Pittsburgh Westinghouse station, transmits the first commercial radio broadcast.
  • Philo Farnsworth

    Transmits the first all-electronic television image.
  • T.V

    There are nearly 40,000 television sets in the United States; 9,000 of them are in New York City alone.
  • Color T.V

    CBS demonstrates color television in New York.
    WNBT, the first regularly operating television station, debuts in New York with an estimated 10,000 viewers.
    It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman! The radio show debuts.
    The first Bugs Bunny cartoon.
  • Emmy Awards

    The first Emmy Awards are handed out on January 25, with Pantomime Quiz Time earning top honor as the Most Popular Television Program.
    Cable television brings better reception to rural areas where the conventional television signal is weak.
    Milton Berle hosts the first telethon, which benefits cancer research.
    These Are My Children, a live, 15-minute show, premieres on NBC. It is the first continuing daytime drama.
  • Color T.V worldwide

    Color television introduced in the U.S.
    For the first time, a nationwide program airs. Edward R. Murrow, in the first broadcast of his See It Now series, tells viewers, as he looks into the split-screen image of the Golden Gate and Brooklyn bridges, that they for the first time are able to see the Atlantic and Pacific oceans simultaneously.
  • Telestart Satellite

    The first transatlantic television transmission occurs via the Telestar Satellite, making worldwide television and cable networks a reality.
    Johnny Carson takes over hosting duties of The Tonight Show.
  • HBO

    Time Inc. transmits HBO, the first pay cable network.
    The National Institute of Mental Health and the surgeon general issue a report that claims exposure to violence on television fosters aggression in children.
    M*A*S*H premieres on CBS.
  • United States T.V

    Ninety-eight percent of U.S. households have at least one television set.
  • Future

    Reality TV continues to dominate the airwaves. For the first time in eight years, NBC's “Must-See” Thursday night lineup does not reign in the ratings. Survivor II: The Australian Outback consistently beats Friends.