The history of animation

  • Émile Cohl

    Émile Cohl
    In 1908, Cohl created “Fantasmagorie.” This animation was created using an illuminated glass plate for his table while drawing black lines on paper.
  • Winsor McCay

    Winsor McCay
    In 1912, McCay animated “How a Mosquito Operates.”
  • Otto Messmer

    Otto Messmer
    In 1919, Otto Messmer created Felix the Cat for the Pat Sullivan Studios.
  • Fleischer Studios

    Fleischer Studios
    The Fleischer brothers would have success in the 1930s with Betty Boop and her spinoff character, Popeye the Sailor Man.
  • Georges Méliès

    In 1902, Georges Méliès made his most famous film, “A Trip to the Moon
  • J. Stuart Blackton

    The Haunted Hotel” in 1907 expanded on the use of stop motion in films.
  • The John Bray Studio

    The John Bray Studio was one of the most influential studios with its cartoon series, “Colonel Heeza Liar.”