The Harlem Renaissance

  • Jim Crow laws

    Jim Crow laws
    A set of laws that separated white and colored people on public transportation and facilities. More often than not the facilities of the colored people were less taken care of than that of the white people. These laws influenced the Harlem Renaissance because they incouraged African Americans of the segregated south to move north.
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    The Creation of Jazz

    Originated in New Orleans. It came about because of all the different cultures mixing together. As it grew New Orleans became a hub for jazz and ragtime music. Most of the instruments used were made of brass which gave the music a new style. This time contributed to the harlem Renaissance becuase it showed white people that African Americans are artistically able and intellegent.
  • NAACP is founded

    NAACP is founded
    The NAACP was a critical part of the Harlem Renaissance because it gave African Americans self-confidence and told them it was okay to express their culture.
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    World War 1

    During the war, people left their jobs to fight which created more job openings in the north for African Americans. They were willing to work for less. This was a contributing facotot to the Great Migrations which lead to many African Americans moving north and filling Harlem with artistic talents.
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    The Great Migration

    African Americans migrated from the south to the north in hopes of a better life. They were escaping riots, the Jim Crow Laws, and the cruelty of the south. They ended up living in run down towns but got together to share their artistic abilities which contributed to the creation of the Harlem Renaissance.
  • Summer of 1919

    Summer of 1919
    A white man murdered an African American and it progressed into riots that were throughout the north and south. This impacted the Harlem Renaissance because it showed the racism in the south and why the African Americans would want to leave.
  • First International Convention of Negro Peoples of the World

    First International Convention of Negro Peoples of the World
    A convention that met several times throughout the month of August and had delegates from 22 countries. They later adopted the "Declaration of Rights of the Negro People of the World". This meeting was the first step towards equal treatment of all citizens in the United States and showed African Americans that they can fight for their rights.
  • The Cotton Club

    The Cotton Club
    This club was a club for only white people and all employees were African Americans who were treated cruelly. They believed in strict segregation laws. This club degraded African Americans and exibits how wrongfull treated they were during this time.
  • Civic Club Dinner

    Civic Club Dinner
    This dinner allowed for African Americans to celebrate who they are and bring together people of both races to celebrate their art. This was one of the first attempts to unite white and black people during this time period and brought a sence of hopefullness for the future.
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    The Great Depression

    A time period where poverty began to increase and spirit began to die. Most people had little to no money and had to servive with the bare minimum. This timespan influenced the Harlem Renaissance because it was the begining of the end. As the great Depression spread the spirit of the Harlem Renaissance began to die down and soon ended. Many writers still wrote but they began to differenciate themselves from writers of the Harlem Renaissance.