The Growth of Social Media

  • Six Degrees

    Six Degrees
    Have you ever thought of what the very first social media was? Six Degrees was created in 1997 as the first recognizable social media where one can create a profile and add other users.
  • The Year 2000

    The Year 2000
    The year 2000 was the year that the world was introduced to the Internet. Around 100 million people across the world has access to the internet for their first time, which played a huge role in expanding social media. This was also the year that blogging and instant messaging became popular.
  • MySpace

    MySpace had the first social media outbreak and quickly became one of the most popular social media websites of all time. MySpace is commonly referred to as the "Original Facebook".
  • Video Chatting

    Video Chatting
    Skype was created around the same time as MySpace. Skype caught the entire world off guard as the first social media platform that is based on video chatting. People were introduced to a platform that could allow them to video chat with anyone in the world that has internet access.
  • Facebook

    Arguably the largest used network in history and one of the most popular social media platforms off all time.
  • Youtube

    Youtube gives Facebook a strong run for its money as one of the most popular social media platforms off all time. Youtube is a video service that allows users to basically post anything virtual. A HUGE leap in not only the internet world, but social media as well.
  • 2005, Social Media Begins to Upgrade

    2005, Social Media Begins to Upgrade
    Facebook took the first step as a social media that continues to add on different features. Late in 2005, Facebook was becoming popular very quick, so the creators updated the platform and added it's unlimited photo feature.
  • Twitter

    Twitter, which would later become as popular (maybe more) as Facebook and Youtube, was created. Twitter was first used more by other countries around the world such as India and Brazil.
  • Google takes charge of Youtube

    Google takes charge of Youtube
    Seeing how popular Youtube was becoming and realizing what has yet to come, Google purchased Youtube for $1.65 Billion.
  • Tumblr

    Tumblr is a microblogging and social networking app. Though it did not become as popular as Facebook and Twiiter, Tumblr made a statement that social media was indeed growing.
  • Instagram

    4 years after the take off of Facebook and Twitter, Instagram was created. Some would consider Instagram as the perfect combination of Twitter and Facebook, only difference being that Instagram is solely based on photo/video sharing.
  • Snapchat

    Snap chat was created in 2011 and is arguably the quickest growing social media as far as updates and software changes. Snap chat is constintley being updated and receiving positive feedback each time, which could mean that Snap chat could be at the top of all social media apps in the near future.