The Great War

  • The Asassination of the Austrian Prince Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    This event was important because this is what started the change of events leading to the war, a Serbian assassin killed the Austrian Prince.
  • Period: to

    The Great War

  • Austria's Decloration

    This event was important because this is what started the whole war, Serbia only agreed to most of Austria's demands but wanted to negotiate. But Austria didnt accept the offer, since the Austrians declared war on Serbia they are declairing war on Russia aswell (Serbia's ally).
  • The strategy of the Schelffen Clan

    This even was important because this is where the countries split up and battle lines were drawn. On one side Germany and Austria-Hungary were in the heart of Europe and Great Brittain, France, and Russia were on the other side.
  • The Allies attacked Germany

    This event was important because this was when the Germans retreated when the Allies attacked them. The Allies attacked them on the northeast of Paris.
  • Battle of Liamanaow

    This event was important because this was when the Germans stopped the invateing Russian army and drove it to full retreat. Also the Germans and the Ausrtian army pushed the Russians out of Austria-Hungary.
  • The Trench War

    This event was important because this is was the dirtiest war where the air was unbreathable. And the Germans lanched a massive ttack against the French.
  • The Battle of Verdun

    This event was important because because the Germans launched a massive attack against the French.
  • Battle of Somme

    This is important because the Great Brittian started war with the Germans to let France have less pressure from the Greman forces.
  • Urestricted Submarine Warfare

    This is important because the Germans created a submarine that could sink without warning any ship in the waters around Brittain.
  • United States sided with the Allies & President Wilson wants war.

    This event is important because President Wilson asked Congress to declare war, also the United States entered the war on the side of the Allies.
  • Vladimir Ilyich Lenin seized power.

    This event is important because this is where Vladimir seized power and ending all involvement in the war, offered Germany a truce.
  • Facing Invasion

    This event is important because Germany was facing invasion from the allies and with poor supplies of food and weapons signs agreement with the Allies bringing to and end World War I.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    This event is important because Germany and Russia signed the treaty that ended the war between them.
  • The crash between the Allies and Germans

    This event is important because Germans and the Allies crashed at the Second Battle of the Marne.
  • Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles

    This event is important because this is when the whole war ended. Germany, the Allies, & every one came to forge a peace settlement.