The great peninsular kingdoms (13-15 centuries)

  • 1212

    Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa

    the coalition of the cristian kingdoms won the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
  • Period: 1217 to 1252

    Ferdinand III

    He united the kingdoms of Castile and Leon in 1230. He conquered the Guadarquivir
  • 1230

    Definitive union of Castille and Leon

    The kingdom of Leon and Castille were united for the last time in 1230 by Ferdinan III
  • 1244

    Ferdinan III ocupies Jaen. Treaty of Almizra

    Alfonso X of Castile and James I of Aragon signed the treaty of Almizra which meant that Murcia remained part of Castile.
  • Period: 1252 to 1284

    Alfonso X

    Alfonso X was called "The Wise " because his promotion of dissemination of culture and the production of texts at the toledo school
  • 1262

    Alfonso X conquers of Niebla

    In 1262 Alfonso X managed to conquers Niebla in Huelva. It was a great period for him
  • 1273

    Foundation of the Mesta

    King Alfonso X was aware of the importance of livestock in his kingdom and established the Mesta, an asotiation that looked after the interests of livestock farmers
  • Period: 1284 to 1295

    Sancho IV

    In the 13th century conquered Tarifa to avoid Muslims ataks
  • Period: 1295 to 1312

    Fernando IV

  • Period: 1312 to 1350

    Alfonso XI

    Alfonso XI conquerd Algeciras and defeated the Muslims in the battle of Rio de Salado
  • 1340

    Battle of Salado

    The Marinid kingdom went to the aid of Granada and Alfonso XI of Castille defeated the Muslims armies in the battle of Salado.
  • 1344

    Alfonso XI occupies Algueciras

  • Period: 1350 to 1369

    Pedro I

  • 1369

    Begining of the Trastamara dynasty in the Crown of Castille

    Henrry II created the Trastamara which had six kings.
  • Period: 1369 to 1379

    Henry II of Tastamara

    He created the Tastamara dynasty.
  • Period: 1379 to 1390

    Juan I

  • Period: 1390 to 1406

    Enrique III

  • Period: 1406 to 1454

    Juan II

  • Period: 1454 to 1474

    Enrique IV

  • Period: 1474 to 1504

    Isabel I

  • 1475

    Civil war in Castille

    The Castilian Civil War was a war of succession over the Kingdom of Castile that lasted from 1475 to 1479. The conflict started after the death of king Alfonso XI of Castile in March
  • 1492

    Conquest of Granada

    the Christians took advantage over the Muslims and started to conquered Al-Andalus until they conquerd the last kingdom, Granada in 1492