
The Giving Tree

  • The Boy Comes to the Tree

    He collects leaves and plays King of the Forest.
  • The Boy Plays More with the Tree

    He climbs up her trunk, swings from her branches, and they played hide and seek!
  • The Boy Asks for Money

    The tree gives him apples so that he can sell them for money and be happy.
  • The Boy Asks for a House

    The Tree tells him that she does not have a house, but that he could chop down her branches and use it to make a house.
  • The Boy comes back and asks for a Boat

    The tree tells him that she does not have a boat, but she tells him he can chop down her trunk and make a boat so he will be happy.
  • The Boy Comes Back to the Tree

    The tree tells the boy that she has nothing left to give him because she is just a stump now. The Boy says that he just needs a quiet place to sit and rest. So, the tree says he can sit on her stump.