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The Future of America

  • Period: to

    The Future of America

  • Carson Hughes is elected Pope of the United States

    Carson Hughes is elected Pope of the United States
  • Mitt Romney buys Disneyworld

    Mitt Romney buys Disneyworld
    Angry over his election loss, Mitt Romney closes off Disneyworld to make children suffer.
  • Kim Jung Un joins One Direction

    Kim Jung Un joins One Direction
  • Nicholas Cage steals the Declaration of Independance

    Nicholas Cage steals the Declaration of Independance
  • Nicki Minaj admits she ruined music

    Nicki Minaj admits she ruined music
  • Terrorists and Obesity team up against America

    Terrorists and Obesity team up against America
  • Global Warming takes away our guns

    Global Warming takes away our guns
  • Captain America becomes a Socialist

    Captain America becomes a Socialist
  • Sex Offender Technology is used to locate Terrorists

    Sex Offender Technology is used to locate Terrorists
  • A grizzly bear is elected an Alaskan Senator

    A grizzly bear is elected an Alaskan Senator
  • Mitt Romney's birth certificate shows he was born in Iran.

    Mitt Romney's birth certificate shows he was born in Iran.
  • Neil Patrick Harris is declared the Messiah

    Neil Patrick Harris is declared the Messiah
  • Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama mudwrestle

    Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama mudwrestle
  • Bill Gates admits he is Batman

    Bill Gates admits he is Batman
  • Guantanamo Bay is relocated to Detroit

    Guantanamo Bay is relocated to Detroit
  • President Ahmadinajad is revealed to be a 14 year old girl on facebook

    President Ahmadinajad is revealed to be a 14 year old girl on facebook
  • Obama nukes the Middle East

    Obama nukes the Middle East
  • War in the Middle East ends over coin toss. The terrorists win.

    War in the Middle East ends over coin toss. The terrorists win.
  • Obama is revealed to be the Antichrist

    Obama is revealed to be the Antichrist
  • Obama sells America to the Chinese for a new basketball court.

    Obama sells America to the Chinese for a new basketball court.
  • John Wilkes Booth assasinates Obama

    John Wilkes Booth assasinates Obama
  • Hillary Clinton is elected President

    Hillary Clinton is elected President
  • The Westboro Baptist Church is smited by God

    The Westboro Baptist Church is smited by God
  • Tina Fey and Sarah Palin organize a "Parent Trap"

    Tina Fey and Sarah Palin organize a "Parent Trap"
    Tina Fey and Sarah Palin come up with a scheme to bring their parents back together by switching places.
  • Mexico's population reaches 0 as immigrants head to the USA

    Mexico's population reaches 0 as immigrants head to the USA
  • Charlie Sheen dies from large overdoses of Tiger's blood

    Charlie Sheen dies from large overdoses of Tiger's blood
  • The Association to Stop the Mispronounciation of Diabetes is founded

    The Association to Stop the Mispronounciation of Diabetes is founded
  • Plants speak out against vegetarians

    Plants speak out against vegetarians
  • Cats gain the right to vote

    Cats gain the right to vote
  • Cure for Cancer Destroyed

    Cure for Cancer Destroyed
    The FDA destroyed the cure for cancer after it was learned that its creator was using performance enhancing drugs while making it.
  • Hillary Clinton has Bill nuetered after sex scandal

    Hillary Clinton has Bill nuetered after sex scandal
  • Kanye West proves the Theory of Evolution by evolving into Charizard

    Kanye West proves the Theory of Evolution by evolving into Charizard
  • Justin Bieber is bitten by a radioactive spider

    Justin Bieber is bitten by a radioactive spider
  • Kristen Stewart's face finally moves

    Kristen Stewart's face finally moves
  • Pacifists blow up a gun factory

    Pacifists blow up a gun factory
  • Ronald Reagan's frozen head is elected president

    Ronald Reagan's frozen head is elected president
  • White People stop being racist!

    White People stop being racist!
  • Haha! Just Kidding!

    Haha! Just Kidding!
  • Slavery Makes a comeback

    Slavery Makes a comeback
  • Fox News finally makes it through a broadcast with no factual errors

    Fox News finally makes it through a broadcast with no factual errors
  • South Carolina secedes

    South Carolina secedes
  • CIA discovers a top secret document outlining the Homosexual Agenda

    CIA discovers a top secret document outlining the Homosexual Agenda
  • Evangelicals stop believing in the existence of atheists.

    Evangelicals stop believing in the existence of atheists.
  • OJ Simpson is proven guilty by Scooby Doo and the gang.

    OJ Simpson is proven guilty by Scooby Doo and the gang.
  • J.K. Rowling takes over U.K. and launches WWIII

    J.K. Rowling takes over U.K. and launches WWIII
  • The Woodland Critter Party is formed

    The Woodland Critter Party is formed
  • Scientific studies prove gingers don't have souls

    Scientific studies prove gingers don't have souls
  • Canada tries to do something important

    Canada tries to do something important
  • Woodland Critter Party announces Grizzly Bear as cantidate for president

    Woodland Critter Party announces Grizzly Bear as cantidate for president
  • Spiderbieber is chosen as Grizzly Bear's running mate

    Spiderbieber is chosen as Grizzly Bear's running mate
  • Grizzly Bear is elected president

    Grizzly Bear is elected president
  • People start giving a shit about Kony

    People start giving a shit about Kony
  • I lose my virginity

    I lose my virginity
  • The 2nd coming of L.Ron Hubbard

    The 2nd coming of L.Ron Hubbard
    L.Ron Hubbard comes to save Scientoligists from the coming rapture.
  • Mars Rover is declared an act of war by Martians

    Mars Rover is declared an act of war by Martians
  • Pluto attacks Earth, angry over planetary demotion

    Pluto attacks Earth, angry over planetary demotion
  • Zombie Apocalypse

    Zombie Apocalypse