The Freedom Rides

By DEV373
  • Freedom Rides launched by CORE Director, James Farmer

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    The Freedom Rides

  • A bus carrying Freedom Riders were attacked by Klu Klux Klansmen and other white protesters.

    There was no police protection on this day because it was Mother's Day
  • A Freedom Ride by plane to New Orleans. CORE abandons the Freedom Rides.

  • Two meetings held in Nashville to discuss the decision to continue the Freedom Rides or not. Diane Nash elected to be the Coordinator.

    They agreed to drop out of school and devote their time to the Freedom Rides.
  • Freedom Ride organized by Fisk students from Nashville to Birmingham.

  • Freedom Rides continued to Jackson, Mississippi

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    CORE, now defendng the campaigns once again, SNCC, and SCLC continued to defy the Kennedys request for an end to the Rides and resumed the Rides.

  • U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy, the chief law enforcement official in the nation, passed the Interstate Commerce Commision (ICC) policy.

    U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy did this in an attempt to end the Freedom Rides campaign.
  • The U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, outlawing all segregation nationwide.

    Three years after the first Freedom Ride, the outlaw of segregation showed the impact, importance, and significance of these campaigns.