The Flow of Reform

  • Abolitionist

    Individual who fought to free society of the moral ill of slavery. This is the mail characteristic of the second awakening.
  • Transcendentalist

    Pushed people to use spirituality and intuition to make a better world for themselves.
  • Secena Falls

    Secena Falls
    National association of women's alliance fought for women's rights and for the abolishment of alcohol.
  • Free Soils Party

    Free Soils Party
    Oppose the extension of slavery into the territories; merged with the Liberty Party.
  • Radical Repulicans

    Radical Repulicans
    Opposed Lincoln in terms of selection of generals and his efforts to bring states back into the Union. After the assassination of Lincoln they take over and demand more than 10%. They want 100% and demand that the south pay for all damages and southern land be given to former slaves.
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    A social movement urging reduced use of alcoholic beverages. Such as The Women's Christian Temperance Movement.
  • Labor Unions

    Labor Unions
    Created to fight for better working conditions and wages for the workers during the Gilded Age. Ex. Haymarket Square Riot.
  • Populist

    "Supporters of a political philosophy urging social and political system change that favors "the people" over "the elites", or favors the common people over the rich and wealthy business owners."
  • Progressives

    "A political ideology advocating or favoring social, political, and economic reform or changes through the state.To promote greater government regulations of big business on the United States in order to protect consumer and producers."