The First Half of the 19th Century

  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Jefferson was the third president of the United States. He made the Louisiana Purchase, which almost doubled the land in the USA. Aaron Burr was his vice president.
  • The Barbary Wars

    The Barbary Wars
    There were two Barbary wars, one lasting from 1801 to 1805, and the second lasting for around 6 months in 1815. The attack started because the United States wanted to take Europeans to the slave market in Africa. The United States won both.
  • Lewis and Clark's Expedition

    Lewis and Clark's Expedition
    Lewis and Clark’s expedition lasted a little under two and a half years. It was the expedition to explore the newly gained land of the United States. During their journey, they discovered 122 animal species. They ended up traveling around 8,000 miles from Missouri to the Pacific Ocean and back.
  • James Madison

    James Madison
    Madison was the fourth president of the United States. He wrote the first version of the Bill of Rights and presented it to Congress. George Clinton was Madison’s first vice president, but he died in office so Elbridge Gerry served the rest of Madison’s term.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 took place in Canada, against the United States and Great Britain. It started because the British violated the United States’ rights. It lasted almost exactly two and a half years when Great Britain won.
  • James Monroe

    James Monroe
    Monroe was the fifth president of the United States. He is most famous for presenting the Monroe Doctrine, which he and John Quincy Adams wrote, to Congress. Daniel Tompkins was his vice president.
  • John Quincy Adams

    John Quincy Adams
    Adams was the sixth president of the United States. He is also known for creating and showing congress the Monroe Doctrine with James Monroe. John Calhoun was his vice president.
  • Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson
    Jackson was the seventh president of the United States. One of his biggest accomplishments was when his soldiers won the Battle of New Orleans against the British, despite the British having 2,500 more soldiers. John Calhoun was his first vice president before he resigned in 1832 when Martin Van Buren finished his term.
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    The Trail of Tears started when Andrew Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act. It made around 60,000 Indians from five tribes have to walk over 5,000 miles from the Appalachian Mountain area to present-day Oklahoma. Around one-third of the people that walked the trail died because of malnourishment and no breaks.
  • The Gold Rush

    The Gold Rush
    The Gold Rush lasted around seven years. It was when James Marshall found gold in Coloma, California so everyone started going to California at once to try and find some. Around 300,000 people went to California in search of gold around this time.