10136070 the berlin wall

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

  • World War II Ends

    World War II Ends
    Germany surrenders to its Allies, the war in Europe ends, and Berlin is divided into 4 sectors: the American, British, French in the West and the Soviet in the East
  • West Berlin Blockade

    West Berlin Blockade
    The Soviets blockade West Berlin: start of the Berlin airlift. West and East Germany are set up as separate states.
  • Fedral Republic of Germany

    Fedral Republic of Germany
    Zones of Germany occupied by France, England, and the United States combine to form the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)
  • Violent End to Labor Strikes

    Violent End to Labor Strikes
    Soviet troops bring a violent end to massive labor strikes in East Germany.
  • East Germany = sovereign

    East Germany = sovereign
    East Germany is declared fully sovereign
  • West Germany = sovereign

    West Germany = sovereign
    West Germany is declared fully sovereign.
  • The Wall is Built

    The Wall is Built
    This is the when the Berlin Wall was built
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    This was when the cuban missile crisis affected Berlin.
  • Germany signs Treaty

    Germany signs Treaty
    This is when East and West Germany sign a treaty recognizing their mutual sovereignty,
  • The United Nations

    The United Nations
    Both German states become members of the United Nations
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

    Mikhail Gorbachev
    Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power in Soviet Union.
  • Ronald Regan's Speech

    Ronald Regan's Speech
    This is when Ronald Regan gave his speech about tearing down the wall. In his own words, he says, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
  • East Germany Holds Elections

    East Germany Holds Elections
    East Germany holds free elections, bringing into office a slate of politicians who have pledged reunification with West Germany
  • The Berlin Wall Crumbles

    The Berlin Wall Crumbles
    This is the date when the Berlin Wall finally comes down. Everyone came together with pick axes and hammers and nocked down the wall.
  • The Reunification

    The Reunification
    East and West Germany reunify, becoming one nation with Berlin as its capital