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The European Union

  • Speech by Robert Schuman

    Speech by Robert Schuman
    After Secon World War several European countries create an organisation to stregthen cooperation within European countries.
  • ECSC was founed

    ECSC was founed
    In 1951, six European countries (Belgium, France, Italy, West Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands created the European Coal and Steal Communitu (ECSC)
  • Treaties of Rome were signed

    Treaties of Rome were signed
    Treaties of Rome were signed in Rome. Its considered as the fundation acts of the European Union The first Treaty established the European Economic Community (EEC).
  • EEC was founded: the "Inner Six"

    EEC was founded: the "Inner Six"
    The "Inner Six" were the six founding member states of the European Comunituies. They introduce the new measures:
    - Common economic policies
    - Free movement of goods, services, workers and capitam between member countries.
    -New laws in common
  • EEC was enlarged to nine members

    EEC was enlarged to nine members
    Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom join to the European Union, raising the number of member to nine
  • ERDF was founded

    ERDF was founded
    European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions.
  • EEC was enlarged to ten members

    EEC was enlarged to ten members
    Greece join to the EEC expanding the members of the EEC to ten members
  • EEC was enlarged to twelve members and Single European Act was signed.

    EEC was enlarged to twelve members and Single European Act was signed.
    Spain and Portugal join to the EEU expanding the members to 12 members the 1st of January 1986
    Single European Act is a international treaty signed in Luxemburgo the 17 February 1986
  • Maastricht Teaty

    Maastricht Teaty
    The EEC becames the European Union (EU). The Maastricht Treaty led to:
    - Single common market was established
    - All the EU citizens were granded
    - Education and enviromental polcies were adopted
  • EU was enlarged to fifteen members

    EU was enlarged to fifteen members
    Austria, Finland, and Sweden accede to the European Union and they increased the number to fifteen members
  • European Central Bnack was founded

    European Central Bnack was founded
    It was established in 1998 by the Treaty of Amsterdam. It conduct monetary policy in the region by managing the supply of the euro and maintaining price stability.
  • Adoption of the Teatry of Nice.

    Adoption of the Teatry of Nice.
    It cames into force in 2003. The Treaty of Nice reformed the institutional structure of the European Union to withstand eastward expansion
  • The Euro came into circulation

    The Euro came into circulation
    In 2002 the euro came into circulation in the eurozone.
  • EU was enlarged to twenty-five members

    EU was enlarged to twenty-five members
    In 2004 Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, Malta and Cyprus joined to the EU enlargering the EU to twenty-five members.
  • EU was enlarged to twenty-seven members

    EU was enlarged to twenty-seven members
    In 2007 Bulgaria and Romania join to the EU enlarging to twenty-seven members the EU
  • Treaty of Lisbon came into force

    Treaty of Lisbon came into force
    It brings more checks and balances into the EU system, with stronger powers for the European Parliament and a new role for national parliaments.
  • EU was enlarged to twenty-eight members

    EU was enlarged to twenty-eight members
    In 2013 Croatia join to the EU enlargin the EU members to twenty-eight members