The Early Exploration Of The New World ! Chloe Vazquez Block : 5th 9/15/14

By 778158
  • Sep 16, 1300

    The search for new routes

    The period of European history during 14th to 16th century (1300-1500) is considered as the Late Middle Ages.
  • Feb 16, 1400

    Europeans Branch Out

    In the early 1400's ,people in Europe began to look to the seas and beyond . some longed for adventure. others wanted to spread christianity far and wide . Most of all ,though , people wanted to find riches . The age of exploration and discovery had begun .
  • Period: Sep 16, 1400 to

    European's Arrive In North Carolina

  • Sep 16, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    In 1492 Christopher Columbus led his first expedition westward . He landed in the Bahamas , islands that he believed to be near Asia .
  • Sep 16, 1492

    The Columbian Exchange

    The "Columbian Exchange"—a phrase coined by historian Alfred Crosby—describes the interchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World and the Americas following Columbus's arrival in the Caribbean in 1492.
  • May 2, 1497

    The Northwest Passage

    In 1497 King Henry VII sent Cabot on a voyage to the west. Cabot sailed out of Bristol with his ship, the Matthew, on May 2, 1497. When he saw land on 24th June 1497, it was not Asia that he had discovered, but Newfoundland (now part of Canada). Cabot did not realise it, but he had found a continent that was unknown in Europe, which he claimed in the name of England.
    As well as being the first European explorer to discover the mainland of North America (Canada and the United States), he also sa
  • Sep 16, 1497

    Vasco Da Gama

    In 1947-1948, portugese explorer Vasco Da Gama found such a route and sailed all the way to India .
  • Sep 16, 1498

    Another Voyage made by Christopher Columbus

    On another voyage in 1498, columbus reached South America . Later a mapmaker labeled this new continent "America " for another explorer ,Amerigo Vespucci .The Name stuck .