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The Development of Political Parties by Alen, Dominick and Sunny

  • Period: to

    The American War for Independence

    The American War for Independence resulted in the creation of the a nation and changed for the course of history.
  • Federalist Papers

    Federalist Papers
    A newspaper article campaign by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison was launched in New York in order to try to persuade the voters to vote in favor of the constitution.
  • The Constitutional Convention

    The Constitutional Convention
    The Constitutional Convention gave rise the first two factions in the American government: The Federalists and The Anti-Federalists.
    The Federalists eventually got their wish and the Constitution was ratified. This helped establish the Federalist ideology of a centralized government, while the Anti-Federalists eventually evolved into the Democratic-Republican because they disliked the idea of a centralized government since they thought that states should have more power and rights
  • Hamilton's Financial Plan

    Hamilton's Financial Plan
    Hamilton's three part financial plan of Assumption of Debt, National Bank, and a Protective Tariff, was vehemently opposed by Thomas Jefferson and the Anti-Federalists. Anti- federalists thought that it was unfair that some states who paid their debt shouldn't have to pay for another states debt because they were irresponsible during the war. Anti- federalists also thought that having banks would prompt a more commercial nation since having a bank would build up credit which they hated dearly.
  • Anti-Federalists to Democratic-Republicans

    Anti-Federalists to Democratic-Republicans
    The Anti-Federalists changed their name to the Democratic-Republican party
  • The Election of 1800

    The Election of 1800
    Thomas Jefferson was the first Democratic-Republican elected President of the United States, his policy was completely opposite of John Adams's. Jefferson opposed elitism, monarchy, and a large federal government which can be seen through the cutting of the army, the senate and the elimination of most taxes. The election of 1800 was revolutionary because it shifted power from a federalist nation and a democratic-republican nation.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The United States, under the administration of Thomas Jefferson, purchased the French colony of Louisiana for a bargain price. Questions over the Constitutionality of the purchase arose because of the fact that the Constitution did not explicitly mention that the president had the power to purchase land. Further controversy arose because Thomas Jefferson had a strict interpretation of the Constitution up until this point. The Federalist part promptly called him out on this move and he lost face.
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    War of 1812

    The United States declared war on the British Empire because the British were violating the sovereignty of the fledgling nation through the act of impresment which was when the British captains would capture U.S sailors and force them to work with them without their consent.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    The Convention in which the Federalists met in secret in order to express there grievances toward the federal government to try and stop the war of 1812 which they saw as unnecessary. This action by the Federalists was seen as unpatriotic and an anti-war and thus greatly contributed to the downfall of the Federalist Party.
  • Demise of the Federalist Party

    Demise of the Federalist Party
    The end of the War of 1812 brought about a newfound sense of patriotism among Americans and thus turned the American people against the "unpatriotic" and "traitorous" Federalist party since they disliked the idea of war which can be seen when the French revolution was going on and how the Democratic-Republicans wanted to help the French, but the Federalists didn't want to help the French and instead wanted to remain neutral both to England and the French.