Stages of pregnancy

The Development of a Child

  • Period: to

    The Development of a Child

    This timeline will show the development of a child from conception through birth. It will include the size of the fetus, what organs begin to develop, and the senses that the child begins to gain in the following nine months leading to the child's birth.
  • Month 1: Your baby is conceived! (2 Weeks pregnant)

    Month 1: Your baby is conceived! (2 Weeks pregnant)
    Size: At two weeks, the size of a pin head.
    The egg attaches to the lining of the uterus.
    This is a critical stage for the baby's brain and spinal cord development.
    The baby's entire physical characteristics are made including gender, hair color, and eye color.
  • Month 2 (10 Weeks Pregnant)

    Month 2 (10 Weeks Pregnant)
    Size: About 1/4 inch long
    The baby's face, eyes, ears, and limbs begin to take shape.
    Bones begin to form.
    Heart, neural tube, liver and other major organs begin to develop.
  • Month 3 (15 Weeks Pregnant)

    Month 3 (15 Weeks Pregnant)
    Size: About 1 inch long as the month begins.
    Mouth, nostrils, lips, and eyelids form and fingers/toes are almost fully developed.
    All organs are present but immature/not fully developed.
    Development of the heart and all major organs is complete by the end of the third month.
  • Month 4 (16 Weeks Pregnant)

    Month 4 (16 Weeks Pregnant)
    Size: About 3 inches long and, weighs 1 ounce.
    The baby can suck it's thumb, swallow, move around, and hiccup.
    Facial features become more clear and it's hair and teeth begin to form.
    Your baby's digestive system is forming and the intestines are present.
  • Month 5 (18 Weeks Pregnant)

    Month 5 (18 Weeks Pregnant)
    Size: About 6 1/2-7 inches long and weighs about 4-5 ounces.
    Organs are maturing.
    Teeth continue to develop.
    Fingerprints and footprints are now developed.
  • Month 6 (22 Weeks Pregnant)

    Month 6 (22 Weeks Pregnant)
    Size: About 8-10 inches long and weighs about 8-12 ounces as the month begins.
    Fat deposits under skin, but the fetus appears wrinkled.
    Breathing movements begin.
  • Month 7 (27 Weeks Pregnant)

    Month 7 (27 Weeks Pregnant)
    Size: About 10-12 inches long and weighs about 1 1/2- 2 pounds as the month begins.
    Has periods of activity followed by periods of rest.
    This week the baby will begin to open and close it's eyes.
    Bones are fully developed.
  • Month 8 (32 Weeks Pregnant)

    Month 8 (32 Weeks Pregnant)
    Size: About 14-16 inches long and weighs about 2 1/2 - 3 pounds as the month begins.
    Reacts to loud noises with a jerking reflex.
    Moves into a head-down postion.
    By this time all of the baby's major organs are fully functioning except the lungs.
  • Month 9 (39 Weeks Pregnant)

    Month 9 (39 Weeks Pregnant)
    Size: About 17-18 inches long and weighs about 5-6 pounds as the month begins.
    Movements decrease since the fetus has less room to move around.
    Acquires disease-eating antibodies from the mother's blood.