The Demi Galleria

By le56806
  • You make me beautiful

    You make me beautiful
    Located on Demi's ribs are lyrics from a song Demi listened to through out her recovery and she has stated that it got her through alot of hard times. The song is "Beautiful" by Bethany Dillon.
  • The blue feather

    The blue feather
    Demi got this tattoo in 2010 in the back of a bus. She has said that the tattoo doesn't have a deep meaning to her, and she just got it because she liked it.
  • Stay Strong

    Stay Strong
    Demi's most popular tattoo which have been duplicated many times by her fans. She got these tattoos after leaving a treatment facility in January of 2011 as a reminder to stay strong. They cover up many of her scars which come from her struggle with self harm.
  • Cross hand tattoo

    Cross hand tattoo
    Demi got this tattoo on the hand she holds her microphone with. She has said that she got this tattoo as a symbol to her fans that she is a christian.
  • Kissy lips

    Kissy lips
    Demi got this tattoo with two of her friends. She has said that this tattoo was more fun and reminds her not to take life so seriously.
  • Peace

    Demi had this one placed in late 2011 and it was not one she talked about too much. It is tattooed on her left middle finger.
  • Rock N Roll

    Rock N Roll
    Demi has said many times of her vast love for all kinds of music. Some say that was the inspiration behind this tattoo however, Demi I believe feels like a badass as she has said when she is giving someone the birdy in earlier interviews. However, in recent interviews she has stated that she has considered tattoo removal for this one when she is older.
  • Faith

    Demi got this tattoo with a girl she met in the treament facility she stayed in for threee months of 2010 for her mental health disorders.
  • Let go & Let God

    Let go & Let God
    Demi got these tattoos as a reminder to let go of the things that are burdening her and let God do the rest.
  • Flying Birds

    Flying Birds
    Demi got these tattoos surrounding her word "Faith". There are twelve flying birds. The birds have been used on multiple of her merchandise such as her motivational book and other clothing she produced later on.
  • now I'm a warrior

    now I'm a warrior
    Demi had this tattoo done with the lyrics to her own song "Warrior" in which she talks of overcoming her personal stuggles. She said this was a difficult song for her to let the world hear as it carries deep meaning to her.
  • Africa

    Demi got this tattoo when she returned from Africa for a mission trip to build a school. She was so moved by the people there she felt at home and that is where this tattoo was inspired from.
  • III

    Demi got this tattoo when her father past away and calls it one of her most red neck tattoos. It represents a memorial for her late father who struggled with mental health.
  • Roman numeral

    Roman numeral
    Demi got this tattoo with the birth dates of all of her family memebers.
  • Rose

    Demi's most recent tattoo was a cover up of the earlier lips tattoo. She said it looked like a vagina to her and had it covered up.