the crucible

  • act 1 scene 1

    Betty is lying in her bed unable to wake up wile Paris is questioning Abigail about what happened last night in the woods
  • act 1 scene 1

    Everyone in town is mad with the talk of witchcraft was in salem.
  • act 1 scene 2

    Rev. Hale comes to salem to perge the town of witches.
  • act 1 scene 2

    When Hale qustions Tituba who was with the devil all of the girls blamed people claiming to be with the devil.
  • act 3 scene 1

    Jhon Procter and Mary Warren is in court trying to get Procters wife out of jail
  • act 3 scene 1

    Abigail and the girls are saying that marry warren bewitched them.
  • act 3 scene 1

    Mary warren blames her bewitchery on John procter then he said this is not Justice and God is dead. He then got arrested