The crucible

The Crucible Act one

  • Act one

    Act one
    1. Reverend Paris begins crying over his daughter Betty's bed and also begins to pray that she gets better.
  • Betty

    1. Betty awakes to a huge group of people and tells them who she saw dancing in the woods with the Devil.
    2. John Proctor arrives home to his wife, Elizabeth, and tells her about his love affair with his midwife, Abigail Williams.
  • The Crucible

    The Crucible
    On this day John Proctor was the first man accused of witchcraft, because he protested the examinations of his wife.
    Elizabeth Proctor is accused committing witchery, along with other people, such as Sarah Good, Martha Cory, Rebecca Nurse, etc.
  • The Crucible

    The Crucible
    The story opens to Betty laying in her bed, not being able to move. With Rev. Parris at her side, Susanna tells that the doctor can not find any natural causes for her sickness. This is when the first thoughts of witch craft appear. Abigail is questioned on the time the girls had in the forest with Tituba. It is thought to believe that this is when the devil first comes to Salem.
  • Tituba

    Tituba gets accused of witchcraft and whipped for doing so, but yet gets saved by Reverend Hale and becomes a believer of God.
  • The Crucible

    The Crucible
    1. After 91 people being accused of witchcraft, Abigail and the other girls get taken into the courtroom with John and Elizabeth Proctor present. After Mary Warren tells who made the poppet, Abigail and the other girls present sense that Mary Warren is cursing them with witchcraft and start seeing a yellow light and start mimicking Mary's every word.
  • The Crucible

    The Crucible
    1. After Elizabeth Proctor gets taken away to jail, John Proctor goes into court and confesses his relationship with Abigail Williams, however as Elizabeth goes and confesses the relationship she has no intention that John had already admitted to Adultery.
  • The Crucible act 1

    The Crucible act 1
    When John Proctor enters his house after a long day of farming, he hears his peaceful wife, Elizabeth, singing to her children upstairs. When Elizabeth questions where he has been all night, he accuses her of distrust and he gets angry. When he hears of the newly appointed "officials of the courts" he's very angry and Elizabeth tells him he must go tell the courts that Abigail is a fraud. He says that he'll think about it and then accuses her of judgement. This causes much tention at dinner.
  • The Crucible

    The Crucible
    1. When arriving in the town square, John Proctor and two other woman get sentenced to hang. As they are waiting to be hung they begin to say The Lord's Prayer out to the people. Just as John finishes his prayer the rope gets dropped and John Proctor is dead.
  • The Crucible

    The Crucible
    1. After signing the legal document, Proctor takes it back and says that he cant do it. He agreed that he did see people with the Devil but never described names, therefore Proctor gets taken away by the Court and gets sentenced to Hanging.
  • The Crucible

    The Crucible
    1. John Proctor confesses to Thomas Putnam, Judge in Salem, that he never saw anyone with or around the Devil. After saying what he confessed, John Proctor agrees to sign a legal document for the people of the church that he was sentenced to witchcraft.
  • The Crucible

    The Crucible
    Bridget Bishop was the first to be tried, and accused of witchcraft. This day she was also sentenced to death, The 10th she is hanged a Gallows Hill.
  • The Crucible

    The Crucible
    John Hathorn and Jonathan Corwin examine Tituba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborne, for showing signs of witchery. Tituba is the only one who confesses to doing witchcraft, and she also said that both Sarah Good, and Osborne are co- conspirators of witchcraft.
  • The Crucible

    The Crucible
    They are all in Court for believing lieng teenage girls it is verry idiotic and not humanely like at all. Shows how people were in the 1660s it is very comedic and awful
  • The Crucible Act 2

    The  Crucible Act 2
    John rips up the confession because he wants to keep his name. Because of this John is then execute. He is very confsed and its very hard for him
  • The Cruicble Act 2

    The Cruicble Act 2
    A Superior Court of Judicature is created to try the remaining persons accused of witchcraft. William Stoughton, Samuel Sewall, John Richards, Wait Still Winthrop and Thomas Danford are its members. Spectral evidence is no longer considered in the remaining trials.
  • The Crucible Act 2

    The Crucible Act 2
    When Mary Warren informs the proctor of the new court and the people that have been arrested, he's outraged. He forbids her to go to the court again, but she refuses and says she's no an official and can't skip out. When he goes to whip her, she yells and claims to have saved Elizabeth's life. When they ask who accused Elizabeth she refuses to tell and demands his respect. Elizabeth then states that Abigail is trying to get revenge on Elizabeth as she wants to take Go
  • The Crucible

    The Crucible
    Elizabeth Proctor was persecuted by Mary Lewis and Abigail Williams. They said that Elizabeth's spector, or spirit, was pinching them. Another peice of evidence that was added to Elizabeth's trial and porsecution was her grandmother's religion. She was a Quaker, and during that time Quaker's were thought to have witch like powers.
  • The Crucible

    The Crucible
    John and Elizabeth Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Cloyce, Martha Corey and Dorcas Good were all arrested and sent to a Boston prison for witchcraft.
  • The Crucible act 4

    The Crucible act 4
    The General Court decalrs the trials of 1692 unlawful. They made a public apology to the people that were accused and to the famlies that lost their loved ones during that terrible time.